Category: Meditation

Now I Enjoy My Life The Way It Is

Now, I can happily do anything that is given to me. I live with true gratitude to life and enjoy my life the way it is. I know that everybody has their own stories but we all have the same goal, that is, to live happily forever, of course, as new life of the universe. The subtraction meditation is the best and easiest way of achieving it.

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My Journey with the Method of Subtraction

Practicing the method needed a tact like a kid trying to cycle for the first time. But slowly as I came to the end of level 1, the initial apprehension changed to a daily necessity. I felt light and free as if some load was being removed. An amateur cyclist started enjoying cycling without fumbling for pedals and searching for brakes at crucial moments.

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Maum Meditation Has Literally Changed My Life

Each level came with a new level of real understanding! I feel a contentment that has nothing to do with the situations going on external to me. A sense of ease, new found FAITH.

It is amazing that we go to the bathroom to eliminate waste in our body, brush our teeth (hopefully) a few times a day. Yet out body is rotting with us being guided by our ghost, our past habits, blaming everyone else for our mishaps. And worst of all being separate from our Superior being that fountain of everything and each other.

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This Meditation Brought True Happiness When There Was No Hope

I started to wake up and stopped living in my own thoughts all of the time. My relationships improved. People asked me why I was smiling and I didn’t even realize that I was smiling. I began to work more effectively. I became able to accept others as they are and accept the world as it is without the judgment I used to impose on everything in my life. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to this meditation. Freedom from my own miserable thoughts has brought peace and wisdom into my life.

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Returning Home

I started to feel that no matter what happens it would be okay. I am learning to live through the flow of nature, just letting go as it is, enjoying life, and also being grateful. And I started to live not for me, but for others. I let go of my self-centeredness, which was my characteristic, and I am able to be without criticism or judgments. I am no longer haunted by my past, and my worries about my future have really decreased. I live only in the present and everything just flows.

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The Light Entered My Dark Life

This method subtracts useless things in the mind. It also clears it and helps you to know the everlasting life and the Truth. It’s been a year since I started this meditation. And my mind has become very clean. I no longer spend time in my bed and I have become very positive person. I do not cry or feel depressed.

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Now I Know How to be Happy

By the time I passed Level 1, the relationship with my sister improved a lot; my mother was surprised to see us not fight, but share our things without expecting anything from each other. That was when my mother decided to start this meditation. The relationship improved between the family members. Most of all, I found more happiness.

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My Clear Mind and Happy Heart

After doing this meditation I feel like I can let go of all the things that have held me back in my school work, allowing me to get through my classes easier and with great grades. It has also improved my health; I feel like I can overcome my physical body and maintain better energy throughout the whole day, allowing me to do more. Also before this meditation, I was extremely angry at my father because I felt he wasn’t a good father, yet now I share my joy with him that I have gained from doing this meditation, and our relationship is healing.

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Changed Forever

A year ago, Meditation found me. At the time I didn’t know that a pamphlet left in a store would change my life forever. I was no longer experiencing endless stress. My health started to improve. Life became not only easier, but, also more peaceful and joyful. Most important I was no longer lost.

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I Am Changing Everyday with Subtraction Method!

My stress and anxiety is reduced dramatically, even the children and the dogs are less stressed. In the past I always followed my mind. Since following the method and discarding the pictures in my mind I feel I am finding the true me and my fears and insecurities are washed away. Even from the first few levels of Maum meditation I feel the change in me and I am still changing day by day.

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I Know I Am on My Way Back Home

I know I am on my way back Home. I cordially recommend and invite all of you who are now reading these words to call the nearest Maum center and receive a free seminar on Meditation and start practicing immediately. Maum meditation changed and saved my life and it will do the very same for yours.

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