Author: Michelle Obrien


When this Universe’s will and love are etched in the Universe, man will live life singing and whistling.

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People live with longing not knowing what they must live for.
People live in this world laughing, crying, talking and sighing.
The sadness passes with the years, but one lives attached to it.

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Falseness III

The world that is amidst the Universe is not seperate from it – the Universe and the world are one.
Because only one world exists, people think that only this world exists.

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Life is to live.
Life is the activities of the individual that adhere to its image.
Life is the individual being born and living, for it has its image.

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Death is the disappearance of an existent image.
Death is the end of activity; the end of sustaining an image.
Death is the end of an image life.

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