I Am Changing Everyday with Subtraction Method!

Hayley Wylie / Australia Mandurah

Ever since I was quite young I always felt as if something was missing in my life. There was. Not knowing, I just went along with my life. Upon leaving school I had no direction or career path choice. This made me feel so left behind in the world and I felt quite lonely and insecure. I decided to travel for a year and upon returning I went straight back into an unhappy lifestyle. My family suffered financial burden and upset and life at home became stressful.

Very soon after I met my partner. We both secured good jobs, we saved money and bought our first home together. We married and enjoyed many holidays together around the world. As this wasn’t satisfying our needs anymore we decided to leave England and start another adventure here to live in Australia. Striving for more challenges, in a few years we built 3 houses.

My husband had set up 2 business and we had 3 children under the age of 2 and a half. With this combination we started to add more to our material goods basket, trying to fill our hunger for happiness. My chase for happiness had a hard price to pay. Feelings of insecurity, loneliness, anger and resentment was sending me into a spiral of despair. I was finding myself in disputes with others, then friends, then family, then my husband. Our beautiful family was at risk.

Both of us tried marriage counseling, but that didn’t work. Feeling desperate, I went to the doctors but I decided not to take the antidepressants he prescribed. Then one day not so long after I visited my local hairdresser and I picked up a Maum meditation leaflet up. Since then my life has changed.

I could never see how I was living before. After practicing Maum meditation my life seems so clear and has more meaning. I appreciate now that I was meant to have been a mother and I have a place. I feel gratitude for what I have without wanting more. Relationships with friends have been amended and are more fruitful than ever. I feel more compassion for anyone from strangers right up to those closest to me.

My stress and anxiety is reduced dramatically, even the children and the dogs are less stressed. In the past I always followed my mind. Since following the method and discarding the pictures in my mind I feel I am finding the true me and my fears and insecurities are washed away. Even from the first few levels of Maum meditation I feel the change in me and I am still changing day by day.

Through all this I can say that Maum mediation has overcome all that I was and without the method I don’t know what I would have done. I am so grateful to the founder, for the method, everyone at Maum, the local centre and all the helpers for saving my life…

Source : Woo Myung – Great Master of Meditation