Hello Everyone. It’s Kristine, your Meditation caster for the internet radio Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

Today’s story is called The Holiday Season Is Coming Where Is The Best Holiday Spot? This is from wisdomswebzine.com.

Wisdom's Webzine

There are four seasons here and summer is coming. It is the time when people take longer vacations. Every year, people go on a trip to a holiday spot to soothe their body and mind exhausted from their work. They comfort their year with the memories from their holidays.

Which holiday spot was the best for you?

You feel joy from swimming in the wide blue ocean and scuba diving with colorful tropical fish. The body was definitely free and joyful. However, it seems that such memory of joy is not enough to relieve your stress from your daily life.

What’s certain is that your life could become refreshed each year just from the MEMORY you have from the peaceful and free holidays. Wouldn’t it be ideal if that joyful memory can go on in the present moment?

If you know that the best holiday spot – better than the most luxurious and expensive that you might have to reach by plane– is within your mind, how excited you would feel! Then for the first time in your life, you would truly feel so refreshed and relieved.

Only after, then, the life becomes so much full of joy and fun. You become energetic.

Moreover, you would be able to see the world.

If you truly become free, your mind is at rest even if you work overtime at the office.

If you truly become free, your mind is at rest even while in relationships with other people.

If you truly become free, your mind is at rest even after you catch up with all the house chores that were left behind.

If you truly become free, your mind is at rest even at the moment you are delivered to surgery in a hospital bed.

If your mind becomes free, your mind is at rest even though someone suddenly opens the door while you are doing your business on the toilet…

If your mind is cleansed with the right method and becomes free, it becomes the best holiday spot – it is your everlasting holiday.

My best friend plans for her summer holiday. She keeps complaining and worrying about it. She asked for my advice today. I sent her a message like the following:

What needs to be at rest is actually not your body but your mind.

It is real rest if your mind actually rests.

Why don’t you go on a holiday to Meditation this summer?

Then, you will gain the key to the suite of the best holiday hotel where you can take a rest for the rest of your life. It is the key of wisdom!

It would be more valuable than a fifty-year access card to the world’s best resort.


We hope you enjoyed today’s story from wisdomswebzine.com. Thank you to all for tuning in today. Please stay tuned for our next Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisdomswebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information.

Again, my name is Kristine and until next time, have a great day.