Hello Everyone. It’s Kristine, your Meditation caster for the internet radio Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

This is the story from wisdomswebzine.com by the student of the Meditation, her name is Elaine from Boston, Massachusetts. It’s called “Now I Wake Up In The Morning Without Fear and Anxiety”.

Elaine's Story

Elaine / Boston, MA

Now I Wake Up In The Mornings Without Fear And Anxiety

I’ve read there is a physical law that says that all quantum evolutionary leaps forward are preceded by a state of chaos, whether with cells or galaxies or anything in between.

My life was in a state of chaos. I had suffered many losses and had been battling depression for years with intermittent episodes of suicidal thoughts. Every morning I would awaken with overwhelming feelings of fear and hopelessness.

I was constantly at odds with myself and with the circumstances of my life. I had taken advantage of every opportunity that presented itself in my quest for “the answer,” but somehow none were ever fully and completely that answer.

One day I picked up a little booklet called Cleansing Mind and Body, How to Subtract Your Way to Freedom. It was about Meditation–my quantum evolutionary leap! In three months by simply subtracting pictures created by my false mind, I’ve seen changes in my life I never would have expected. My burdens of pain and stress have lightened.

I struggle less with life. I’m happier. My depression has decreased dramatically, and now I wake up in the mornings without fear and anxiety.

I’m more patient and not so judgmental and negative now, which lightens the burdens of those around me, and others have begun to comment on the changes in me.

I am so very grateful for the Meditation method of cleansing the mind and becoming eternal Truth, to be on the path to Completion, not in many many years or in many lifetimes, but in a short span of time. I can hardly wait to see what these next months will bring!

We hope you enjoyed today’s story from wisdomswebzine.com. Thank you to all for tuning in today. Please stay tuned for our next Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information. Again, my name is Kristine. And until next time, have a great day.