Let Me Go Home, My True Home

While living, you may leave your home or region due to many reasons, such as economic circumstances, studying abroad, traveling, or changing jobs. When leaving familiar places and people, you may begin the journey full of anxiety and expectations. You eventually find a new home and make yourself comfortable there, but still you miss home. ‘Home’ here does not mean the place where you can simply eat and sleep. It refers to a real home where your mind can really rest.

This is why we still miss home even though we are back at the house where we live. It cannot be exactly explained in words. However, we miss our ideal home unaware of a way to return home even though we want to go back. The home that we yearn to return to is not a physical house but the place where we originally came from. Where we are supposed to be at this moment is also our true home. However, as we are away from there, we are searching for home as if we are lost kids. We are yearning for home like the comfortable bosom of mom that accepts us as we are, that is the home where my body and mind can entirely rest.

How can we find such a home? Where is the location of that home that we vaguely miss? Many people spend a lot of money and time, and they buy a very good, expensive house to find the space where they can rest entirely. However, those houses cannot actually fulfill our longing for a real home. Even though we try to obtain and gain many things in search of vague objects that can fully fill our minds, true rest does not come. Unless we actually try to find it, we cannot get there – even though it is not that far away. When emptying out the many minds that I uselessly accumulated, and even when throwing out myself who was holding that mind, I can eventually find my true home.

Do you know the joy of finding your true home within you by casting off useless hypocrisy, conceptions and attachments completely? No more loneliness and solitude. Do you know the joy of enlightening in your mind that you can be happy forever in the true home? It is the true home that actually exists, which you wouldn’t miss if you found it. If you have not found that true home yet, do not aimless roam any longer. I wish you could go back to your true home that exists within you.

Michael Buble’s song Home is also a song about missing that home. The lyrics mainly talk about yearning and wanting to go back home where you exist as it is and the place where I can rest entirely. If you listen to this song from your heart, it will be heard and understood in a whole new way.



– Michael Buble

Another summer day

Has come and gone away

In Paris and Rome

But I wanna go home

May be surrounded by

A million people I

Still feel all alone

I just wanna go home

Oh, I miss you, you know

And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you

Each one a line or two

“I’m fine baby, how are you?”

Well I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough

My words were cold and flat

And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane

Another sunny place

I’m lucky, I know

But I wanna go home

I’ve got to go home

Let me go home

I’m just too far from where you are

I wanna come home

And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life

It’s like I just stepped outside

When everything was going right

And I know just why you could not

Come along with me

This was not your dream

But you always believed in me

Another winter day has come

And gone away

In either Paris or Rome

And I wanna go home

Let me go home

And I’m surrounded by

A million people I

Still feel alone

And let me go home

Oh, I miss you, you know

Let me go home

I’ve had my run

Baby, I’m done

I gotta go home

Let me go home

It’ll all be all right

I’ll be home tonight

I’m coming back home