Hello again, everyone. Hope you’re having a great day. Welcome to Meditation Cast, where the more you listen the more you become the universe mind.

I’m your host, Sherry. And today’s poem by Master Woo Myung is called “One’s Past and Future Lives Are All Illusions. If One Is a Delusional Person”.


One's Past and Future Lives Are All Illusions. If One Is a Delusional Person

One’s Past and Future Lives Are All Illusions. If One Is a Delusional Person

Where does man come from and where does he go?
These are questions which one must figure out for himself.
Man speaks of the past life and the future life,
for he has no wisdom;
he thinks that they him
and that he will come to live the future of his life.
But that life would be a delusional one –
a life that is a delusion in itself,
in which there is only death.

Let us imagine that in your dreams,
you lived a life of splendor;
that you were a ruler who reigned over the whole world.
But once you wake up from the dream,
is it real or is it false?
Your dream was a mere delusion.
Surely man’s is a mind that is full of attachments
and is thus absent of reality,
which is why his dreams are the maya (illusions) of his mind.
Likewise, the life man lives is a dream
when viewed from Buddha’s and God’s point of view;
he will live his future life with his maya
and so it would be nothing more than a dream –
his life would be false, not a reality.
Reality is what you see and hear as it is.
In order for you to see life as it is,
your consciousness must become the infinite Creator.
It is only then that you will be able to
see it for what it is.
Your past life is the maya of your mind,
and so is your future life.
It is in this mind that there is the pain of hell.
Thus your past life, future life, as well as your pain
are not real but are the maya of your delusions;
in other words they are like dreams and are thus false.
Dreams are not real which is why they are false.
Reality is the state in which one has become
God and Buddha who are the Creator.
Thus when your consciousness has become
the hightest, widest, and largest –
when your consciousness has become reality itself –
you will be born in the real Land and live there.


Thank you again for listening. Please join us again next time for more words of wisdom by Master Woo Myung. This Meditation Cast was sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com.

Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.