I Love You, You Love Me

A butterfly says to the blue sky,

“I love you, you love me. Thank you for offering me a wide bosom where I can spread my wings and fly.”

The sky also replies, “I love you, you love me. We are always together.”




The forest says to the spring rain,

“I love you, you love me. New leaves are vigorously growing with your love.”

The spring rains also reply, “I love you, you love me. Love should not have conditions.”




Waves say to the light house, “I love you, you love me. Thank you for staying there all the time without complaining that you are lonely.”

The light house also says to waves, “I love you, you love me. I am just doing my work, as you do.”




Purple wild flowers say to the hummingbird, “I love you, you love me. Thank you for visiting me.”

The hummingbird also replies, “I love you, you love me. Thank you for feeding me with the love you give me.”




Clouds say to the moon, “I love you, you love me. Thank you for illuminating the sky even though I cover you up.”

The moon replies, “I love you, you love me, because we are one.”




The world is alive and every living creature loves each other. Love that God gives us, that mind itself is the world.




The words that are echoing to the entire world,

“I love you, you love me”

Everything, as one, coexists in the world that is one.

When becoming the mind that is the same as nature, when becoming the mind of the world, we would also be able to hear that sound.

We will eventually realize that love.


Photography. xiapp