The Carrie Diaries

The Carrie Diaries

The Carrie Diaries on the CW is a prequel to the HBO’s hit series, Sex and the City. The Pilot episode was picked up on May 12, 2012 and aired as Season 1 on January 14, 2013. Season 1 depicts the high school days of a sixteen-year-old Carrie Bradshaw in 1984. She works as an apprentice for a legal office in Manhattan and has just begun to open her eyes to fashion. As a prequel to Sex and the City, psychological descriptions of each of the characters have been genuinely done. It raises nostalgia of the 1980’s about fashion, rock, disco music, diners and so on. Even though it is a high school drama about teenagers’ love, it is also perfect for the 40’s and over as it also reminds them of their early ages.

The teenaged Carrie from this series is quite different from the Carrie played by Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex and the City. She is still fresh and does not know well about boys. So viewers can watch this series from the viewpoint of how Carrie gradually opens up to boys and fashion. Human is like this: we do not know anything in the beginning. Everyone knows nothing in the beginning. While watching this drama, I was even curious about how such a pure girl transforms into the fancy Carrie Bradshaw of her later years. What I have realized while watching this series is that human life begins from nothing but no one knows how a person eventually ends up. Someone might look dumb and not good enough. However, he/she grows up through learning experiences, trials and tribulations. Carrie too experiences heartbreaking moments and painful experiences with boys. As an adult, she becomes a sex columnist based on her experiences. Essentially, we cannot foresee what will happen in the end by looking at the beginning.

It would be the same of your life. At the moment, you might think that your life is dark, you cannot know anything, and you might feel difficulty. However, there is a saying that no one knows the future, isn’t there? Just as there are days and nights in the world, a person’s life also has days and nights. Even though you are experiencing the night at the moment, it is also nature’s law that day comes. There is an old saying that every dog has his day. What you are doing now might look insignificant and not good enough. However, if you keep having sincerity and diligently do what you do consistently, a bright day will come, definitely. As such, Carrie has eventually become a career woman everyone envies. The Carrie Diaries shows us through Carrie that we all need time and experience in order to grow.

From teacher Woo Myung’s book, The Way To Become A Person In Heaven While Living

From the World of Hardships to the World Free of It

Do you find it easy to live in this world?
During a time when the world changes everyday
People cannot keep a steady mind
People are out of their minds
Do you find it easy to live in this world?
When times change
It is difficult to live in such changing times
When times change
One who changes with the times
Has little trouble making ends meet
One who resists the changing times
One who is far from reality
Has trouble making ends meet

Because the world does not follow your selfish expectations
Because the world does not unfold as you please
Your life is difficult
However when you live unbound to
Either living well or living with difficulties
When you live from the world’s perspective
And work diligently, just do your work
Live without self
And just live without your self that has difficulty
Then there is no pain, no hell and no anxiety
And you will live a good life
Instead of blaming the world and others
A person must cleanse that mind of his that blames others
Then the world becomes bright, the world becomes one
One who knows that it is not the faults and mistakes of others
But that it is his own fault, and that everything is his own sin
Is the wise one
When you repent your sins
And live as truth, the true self
The world is heaven, the world will be full of pleasure
It is the one world
Where there is no ‘this world’, no ‘that world’
No matter how hard you try to live for the self
There are no results, there is no meaning or value
But if you live for the world
In the one world
There will be pleasure in the mind
There will be contentment in the mind

Because there is no fortune, no Truth in their minds
People are in wanting
They have no place to rest in their minds
People just follow the false and end up in the false world
It is a life with no meaning, no value
When one builds false fortunes within his self
And accumulates false fortunes within his self
There is no meaning
The matters of life pass like wind and water
His life is difficult
Because he lives only for his greedy self
When one pursues only wealth and fame, his demons grow
There is no meaning; life is only full of falseness

Only a person who has Truth within the true mind
Will live eternally with that fortune, free of troubles
This is the best way of living