Hello Everyone. It’s Kristine, your Meditation caster for the internet radio Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

This is the story from wisdomswebzine.com by the student of the Meditation, called “The Benefits I Have Gained to Date Are Enormous” by Les Pearson from Mandurah, Australia.


The Benefits I Have Gained to Date Are Enormous


The Benefits I Have Gained to Date Are Enormous

Les Pearson / Mandurah, Australia

After many years of searching for the meaning of life through university studies, philosophies, religions, meditation, and so on, a chance look at the display shelves of a seniors club had me picking up a Meditation pamphlet. In it I read the thought stopping phrases: “…allows you to become free of your human mind by changing to the infinite universe mind” and “…..you will find your true purpose, and reach the state of eternal happiness…”.

The Benefits I Have Gained to Date Are EnormousThis sounded too good to pass over, so, at aged eighty-eight, I booked an introductory session immediately. The next day’s session was certainly impressive; leaving me in a dilemma: to Maum or not to Maum! (acknowledgments to The Bard). The decision was to climb aboard, starting my sessions the next day. Now, fifteen weeks later, I am working on the third of seven levels with the distinct knowledge that my years of searching are finally over. The benefits I have gained to date are enormous:

• operating at the universal mind level;

• feelings of great mental quietness;

• situations approached and dealt with, as they occur; no fuss, no bother, no carry over;

• no emotional complications in dealing with others;

• I find looking after my wife of nearly sixty-eight years of marriage, without external help, by choice; who has been ill with Alzheimer’s dementia for the past twenty-one years and is now totally dependent, an even more pleasurable thing to do;

• seeing external affairs with more maturity and understanding;

• huge – feeling of well-being and empathy with those around me;

the list goes on.., with huge thanks to the method of Meditation; its founder; its tutors and helpers for taking my life to this higher level already, and finally for the wonderful new family I have the privilege to be part of now. Thank you.


We hope you enjoyed today’s story from wisdomswebzine.com. Thank you to all for tuning in today. Please stay tuned for our next Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information. Again, my name is Kristine. And until next time, have a great day.