I Appreciate Everybody and Everything


Agnes / Nairobi Kenya

I am only 20 years old and am so grateful to what has happened to my life. I owe it to Meditation which has truly helped me to know the true me and purpose.

Before I started Meditation I did not know anything. My self-esteem was so down such that I could not stand and talk before even few people. I did not have confidence at all. It is just so amazing how I am changing.

Meditation is the best miracle that has ever happened to me. Everybody should be here I hope they get a chance.

It was introduced to me by my blood sister and I could not wait to be there. I used to curse the day I was born because I felt life had no meaning at all. But now life is full of endless happiness and joy.

The first session while meditating I felt so relieved after the pictures that were trapping me unknowingly got lost. It is so amazing how the method made it happen beyond my expectations.

My character has greatly changed. I am so confident even to talk in public. I appreciate everybody and everything. It is more than words can say. I hope everybody get a chance to do it in getting rid of the pictures that deceive people. To the method and my helpers who help me and wish me all the best I am thankful you. Much Love.