A Story of Sisyphus
Sisyphus (1548-1549) by Titian, Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain

A Story Of Sisyphus

When talking about vanity of a tough human life, Sisyphus is often mentioned. He is known as a figure in the Greek Mythology who constructed a Greek commercial city, Corinth. Even though he was an extraordinarily intelligent and smart king, he often deceived others with his outstanding talents to satisfy his greed or disturb god’s wills. Therefore, he was regarded rather disgraceful by gods. One day, Zeus, the most supreme god, was kidnapping a fairy but Sisyphus rescued her with his intelligence. This aroused fiery anger of not only Zeus but also other gods. Zeus gave Sisyphus punishment that he cannot escape forever as a consequence of disturbing works of gods. That punishment was to roll a huge rock up to a steep cliff. Once he rolled the rock up to the peak, it rolled down to the bottom again. So, he had to start over rolling the rock up. This punishment never ended and he had to repeat this forever and ever; therefore, it was the worst punishment that was more terrifying than any other punishments.

Probably that’s why many people often describe a story of Sisyphus to human life. “Why was I born in the world and why do I live?” “What is the true purpose of life?” “What happens after death?” We have had those never-solved questions in our mind. Our human life was that we had to live day by day without knowing where we were heading to. Human inevitably die after living 80~90 years and we know that nothing from the life remains upon death. It is exactly the same as Sisyphus who had to roll the rock up to the peak while knowing that it would fall back down. We cannot help but repeat a meaningless life that will vanish someday. We all put a lot of effort to find answers to questions of life; however, we cannot find any sort of answer and must end our life. Such a futile life of human is very alike a story of Sisyphus.

Why should our human life be so meaningless? The reason is because the life that you think you live does not actually exist; it is nothing more than a series of illusions that have been simply made by your five senses. Because it is an illusion, not only it does not have any meaning but also it does not have anything real; it is the world of illusion that only exists in your mind. From the moment human was born, he lives only within that illusion that he himself has made, rather than in the real world. Therefore, he is dead without life and knows nothing about the principles of the world. Due to that stupidity, some mistakenly think that penance of the entire life will end upon death. However, that is just like dying without being able to wake up from a dream. They are ignorant of the certain principle that the self trapped in the false world cannot disappear by oneself. Actually, disappearing from the world while living as the false self without any meaning and purpose and eternally being trapped in that is not different at all from the endless punishment that Sisyphus had.

What would have happened if there was the way for Sisyphus to escape from that punishment? If he could disconnect the connection to that endless pain, he would have gone through any kind of ordeals. Likewise, what if we have the way to change the life within the illusion in which we do not have life now at all and die forever to the eternal life that only has joy and happiness? If we have such a method, we would surely exchange that for the entire wealth we have. More surprisingly, do you know that such a method is already out in the world?

That is a seven-level of ‘mind subtraction’ of Meditation that changes the false human mind to the true universe mind. More than 350,000 people have already experienced this subtraction method throughout the world. Among them, 3,213 people who have completed the whole course of the study put a definite period to the tread-wheel-like human fate that we had to endlessly roll the rock like Sisyphus and have obtained the eternal life. Now that there is the method, everyone can escape from the wheel of pain, while living, and be reborn as the true existence of the origin and live forever. In other words, we do not need to feel deafened or bitter by describing irrationality of human life to a story of Sisyphus.

For the false existence to obtain life and live forever… it is the very first moment that it comes true since human history. It is like a miracle. Sometimes, it is too unbelievable to accept this. However, people are obtaining the eternal life more and more even at this moment; therefore, it is causing sensation throughout the world. Then, what about you? Would you like to live, like the 3,213 people, in the real world with everlasting joy and happiness forever without any kind of pain, fear, anxiety, sorrow and stress, or roll the rock that endlessly falls down forever up, like Sisyphus, within the tread wheel of death without exit and salvation?

From <Stop Living In This Land Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness Live There Forever> by Woo Myung

All People End Up Dying – Everyone Who Does Not Become Truth While Living Will End Up Dying

Many people wonder about what happens after death, but man does not have the answer or solution to this question. While all people of every religion believe that they will go to heaven, they end up dying because they live inside the mind worlds that they themselves have made.

This is because the human mind world is a picture world copied from the real world; a world where one lives having put what is the world’s inside him. A person living in his mind does not exist because he is false. Just as one’s self that was recorded and seen on a videotape is an image and not real, man is dead because he is not born in the world and he does not have the Soul and Spirit of Truth. He is dead because his soul has not been resurrected. In the mind world that the false self, the delusion, has drawn or made, its attachments lead him to believe that the false self – the shadow of the fleshly human body – is what lives.

People also eat and talk in a video, but what happens in the video is not real. Only what is born in the world is real; man is false because he lives inside a video that has recorded the world. A person who is alive has the mind of the world but a person whose true soul is not born inside his mind ends up dying forever because he does not have a true soul.

Changing the human mind of pictures to God’s mind is repentance and true penitence. Man is not real – he has not born in the real land – so when he dies, he ends up dying forever. A person who has become real remains alive because his Soul and Spirit has been born. Those who completely discard their false selves, go to the real land and are reborn in that land, are the only ones who will live. Everybody else will die.


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