Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto

Toronto, a city in Eastern Canada, was heavily influenced by British culture. Nowadays, many cultures coexist. There is even a saying that about 100 languages are used in this city. This shows the variety that the city has. Tens of thousands of immigrants from all over the world coexist in this city for a life they consider heaven, with a wonderful natural environment, clean air and safe living environments.

It seems the conservative ambience of England remains in the city so lives of people here sometimes look boring. But if you look into every part of the city, you can find lots of interesting points. That is Toronto. When spring comes after a long winter, Toronto becomes full of vibrant, green plants.


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


Kensington Market, a hub for youngsters and artists, is restless while full of people on warm weekend days. Toronto begins to feel vibrant after sleeping silently throughout the winter time.


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


This area looks like a street taken directly from England. Old houses remain as they are, and they splendidly harmonize with Hippie clothes hung here and there.

Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


In particular, wall paintings that have been freely done here and there show love for art from people of Toronto.


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


As the city becomes vital, Toronto is a scene for a variety of art festivals. No matter where you go, music flows and people paint and dance. The young energy of Kensington Market especially conveys the energy of Toronto that accepts every culture of the world. Art pieces of different ambiences are collected at one place.

Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


Sidewalk artists and buskers are immersed in their own work. Love for the arts fills the Kensington Market streets.


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


Together with Montreal, Toronto is second to none when it comes to love for jazz. During the Toronto Festival, jazz is in the air no matter where you go around Toronto. Not only on stages, but obscure busking bands offer high quality performances. This place pleases our eyes and ears. Love is pleasant.


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


People start gardening pleasantly when spring comes. Passing a corner of Kensington Market where herbs of various scents are found, makes my mind run towards spring.


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


A mixed herb box reflects the essence of Toronto where a variety of cultures are mixed in together. Even though they have different scents, their roots are the same. And so, they eventually mingle together fabulously.


Love is Everywhere, Spring In Toronto


The charm of travel is to find fun scenes from local daily places of the city rather than well-known tourist attractions. Kensington Market is like a herb garden that emits the various kinds of energy of Toronto. This place is overflowed with love for arts and people. Let’s feel the energy of love traveling in the air together with spring, here, in Toronto.