Hello again, everyone. Hope you’re having a great day. Welcome to Meditation Cast, where the more you listen the more you become the universe mind.

I’m your host, Sherry. And today’s words of wisdom by Master Woo Myung is called “The Formula To Save The World And Mankind”.

The Formula To Save The World And Mankind

The Formula To Save The World And Mankind

There is no scripture in the world that clearly tells us how mankind can be saved.

People blindly believe that if they keep faith with their religion, someone will come to save them one day, and that they will go to heaven. However heaven is not a place that is somewhere “out there”. It is right here – heaven is inside your mind that has become Truth. Thus, if your mind is not reborn as the Creator and Truth, then neither heaven nor everlasting life exists for you. Only when one is Truth, does one live and only a person who has become Truth lives. The land of Truth or heaven exists only for a person who has been reborn as Truth and has entered that land. The Energy and Light of the Universe is Truth and only a person who is reborn as Energy and Light will be saved. In order to receive salvation, we must study and do the following:

Subtract man and all creations from the Universe. The resulting Universe or the emptiness is heaven.

If one is born as this existence, as Truth, one can know all worldly matters. This is the way to go to eternal heaven while one is living.

There is nothing more urgent in the world than becoming Truth.

There are many people who left during the middle of their practice of becoming Truth. They left to earn money and said they would return to meditate later when they are old. Each time, I told them that there is nothing more important than this, and that it is not too late to succeed in the world after they have become Truth. Many people found it difficult to return once they left, and there are some who died before they could come back. After they died, they may have realized that there was indeed nothing more urgent than becoming Truth. The source of true life decides whether one lives or dies and those who turned their backs on this source are all dead. My heart bleeds for them.

Those who have passed away did not have Truth and life, so they have ended up truly dying.

One cannot know what is truly important when he is too attached to his life in the world. It is most important to live, to truly live, in this age of living as Truth.


Thank you again for listening. Please join us again next time for more words of wisdom by Master Woo Myung on Meditation Cast. Please visit our sponsors at meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com.

Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.