Hello, everyone. Hope you’re having a great day. Welcome to Meditation Cast, where the more you listen the more you become the universe mind.

I’m your host, Sherry. And today’s written work by Master Woo Myung is called “The True Meaning Of Mankind’s Salvation”.

The True Meaning Of Mankind's Salvation

The True Meaning Of Mankind’s Salvation

People often believe that if they have blind faith, they will be able to go to heaven. There are also people who simply and blindly wait for the Savior because they believe that they have been chosen.

However there is no one who knows what the Savior will do when he comes.

The Savior will wash man’s unclean sinful mind with the fastest and newest model washing-machine and make man’s mind the same as his.

The mind of the Savior is the infinite Universe’s great Soul and Spirit that is the Creator and Truth. He will resurrect man as this Soul and Spirit of Truth, so that he can live in the land of eternal and never-dying immortals. He will make man live as one without suffering and burden. He will wash their minds with lye so that they are no different from the material of the origin.

Kyuk-am-yu-rok told us to cleanse our minds by seeking a way to do so and the Buddhist scriptures told us to die a big death, a death without remains, or in other words, to die completely and reach Truth. It also told us that the time when this is possible is the era of Maitreya.

The Bible told us to make our minds pure, as if they have been washed with lye, and that a time will come when the sheep are separated from the goats.

All of the above mean that everyone must completely discard his sinful mind. Those who have many sins will find it difficult to become Truth, while those who do not have many sins will find it easier. Man’s sins did not originally exist, but as his self-centered self with attachments formed, he was not able to become one with Truth. This is what sin is.

Man dies because man does not have Truth in his mind. Faith or belief is to have Truth in one’s mind, and a person who has become Truth is a person who truly has faith.

The people of the world are all dead because they have no faith in Truth.

The salvation of mankind is when all people repent their sins and become resurrected as the Energy and Light of the Universe, the Creator, Truth and eternal immortal.


Thank you again for listening. Please join us again next time for more words of wisdom by Master Woo Myung on Meditation Cast. Please visit our sponsors at meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com.

Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.