Hello again, everyone. Hope you’re having a great day. Welcome to Meditation Cast, where the more you listen the more you become the universe mind.

I’m your host, Sherry. And today’s poem by Master Woo Myung is called “The True Meaning Of The Soul And Spirit”.


The True Meaning Of The Soul And Spirit

We are told that we each have a soul that remains after we die, and many people believe this to be true.

The Creator of the infinite Universe consists of the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit. This existence is the basic element of the Universe’s origin and all things are the children of this Soul and Spirit. The land of Energy and Light, or the original land of the Creator, is a place where all creations in the world have been saved as Energy and Light, but only man is dead because he has not become one with this Energy and Light. When man discards falseness and becomes Truth, namely when he becomes this Energy and Light itself, the Universe will become complete. There is no one who can live without becoming resurrected as the Soul and Spirit which is Truth itself. All things that exist, the trees, mountains, water and creations, are Truth’s Soul and Spirit and they have also all been born in heaven. But man is dead; he is trapped inside a grave that is his self because of his sins.

If one cannot unite with the Soul and Spirit which is Truth, he is on his way to hell and death. Hell is a place that does not exist; like a dream, it is an illusion. Living in an illusion is hell.

If man is compared to an onion, what remains when all layers of an onion have been peeled? The Universe will remain. The Universe must then be reborn as the onion.

Man is wrapped in thousands of times more layers of “self ” than the layers of an onion. When he sheds all the layers of his delusional self that is wrapped around his mind, the Soul and Spirit of the Universe – Truth – remains. If this Soul and Spirit of the great Universe then becomes his self, his individual self becomes complete. He has a Soul and Spirit of Truth so he lives forever in the land of Truth.

What is believed to be man’s soul is one’s false self that has tens of thousands times more layers than an onion. This soul is not a true soul, so it is dead.

Whether one lives or dies depends on him becoming Truth.

We must all live, as the Soul and Spirit, the Energy and Light, of Truth.

Thank you again for listening. Please join us again next time for more words of wisdom by Master Woo Myung on Meditation Cast. Please visit our sponsors at meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com.

Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.