Hello Everyone. It’s Kristine, your Meditation caster for the internet radio Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

This is the story from wisdomswebzine.com of a student of Meditation. It is called “Meaning of the Mind” by Sol Torres, a psychologist from Chile.



Meaning of the Mind

Sol Torres / Psychologist (Chile)

I became interested in Meditation as I saw the changes of my mom.

I was surprised that she did not have the same patterns of behavior and I was always curious about what she was doing.

In the meantime, I was going through a time of depression and that made me to find a new way.

My mom invited me to Meditation and I went to the seminar that Mr. Chang gave in December 2011.

At first, I found the explanation very new. I also saw the amazing video of a personal experience of Viry (a Meditation helper in Chile) and I was finally convinced. I was moved by her experience and felt culturally closer.

When I started meditating, I realized that I was slowly released from much of the stress I had at the time.

Also, every time I came home, Meditation, I received much affection and they were always happy! I thought, ‘wow, this has to be different. There must be something deeper here.’

As I went through the first level of Meditation, I felt happy more and more, as if loads were removed from my mind. When I went to the second level, I felt my consciousness developed higher than before. I also realized that this was a very personal process requiring consistency and patience.

My personal relations were improving, I communicated better, and everything became simple. I could complete my work much faster than before, and I did not trouble myself for “nonsense”.

I realized that Meditation was what I was searching for many years. There was no meaning in just earning money, feeling “tied” to the people, and working for a living in a stressful environment.

It was very charming and great. I decided to bet everything of me to embark on a journey with Meditation so I also decided to go to the main center in Korea.

Fortunately, a friend I met in Meditation (Alejandra) decided to get on the boat to the truth at the same time. We went to the main center together.

I am currently in Meditation center in Korea. I feel my life had never been meaningful. I am very grateful to have found this path and I wish each and every one of the world could take on this journey.

We hope you enjoyed today’s story from wisdomswebzine.com. Thank you to all for tuning in today. Please stay tuned for our next Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information. Again, my name is Kristine. And until next time, have a great day.