Hello, everyone. Hope you’re having a great day. Welcome to Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

I’m your host, Sherry. And today’s poem by Master Woo Myung is called “The Oneness Of Heaven And Hell And Their Differences”.


The Oneness of Heaven and Hell and Their Differences

The Oneness Of Heaven And Hell And Their Differences

Both Heaven and hell exist here on earth,
but some live in Heaven while others live in hell.

Man lives in Heaven
when he has the whole of this Universe inside him
and when his mind has become one with the Creator;
he will then have in him his self that is the Creator and Truth
and will thus have Heaven in him;
he will have become the whole of the Universe
and so this place here will be Heaven.
But man is in hell
when the delusions of his delusional mind live and act;
such is death.
His is one whose consciousness is dead;
he is a delusion that lives being led by delusions,
which is why he lives in hell.
Such are the differences between Heaven and hell.

Heaven and hell are one,
but the living live in the Land that is alive – the Land of Truth –
while the dead live in the maya of their delusions – in hell.
In their maya, the dead have their rights and wrongs
and their fixed ways of thinking,
which is why they live in pain – in hell.
Living in Heaven means accepting everything and knowing
that there is no life or death.
Heaven is the state in which Truth lives,
and it is where one lives with wisdom and without pain.
Wisdom is God.


Thank you again for listening. Please join us next time for more words of wisdom by Master Woo Myung on Meditation Cast. Please visit our sponsors at meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com.

Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.