Everlasting Beauty


Flowers that let us know of springs arrival have bloomed. They are camellia flowers that bloom in the southern part of Korea. From long ago, camellia flowers have been regarded as a symbol of upright and loyal Korean people. They are evergreen with the flowers blooming even in cold winter and early spring. They firmly overcome coldness and hardship and their flowers bloom with beautiful colors. It resembles idealism that humans pursue. In times when other flowers are not in bloom, camellia flowers alone show us the fancy colors of spring. It is truly eye-catching.


Everlasting Beauty


Everlasting Beauty


Everlasting Beauty


Moreover, camellia trees are treated as a tree that symbolizes virtuousness and prosperity. The trees themselves have a characteristic of longevity and they do not change colors and stay deep green throughout all four seasons. These evergreen leaves are lustrous and shiny. The leaves are also beautiful. In the southern part of Korea, camellia trees are used as an ornament in wedding ceremonies, as they symbolize the never-changing mind, like the trees’ constant and never-changing greenness, that couples should have in order to live together for a long time. Camellia flowers show the never-changing beautiful mind to us, who ourselves yearn for everlasting life. Camellia flowers are like god’s gift.

Camellia flowers do not have fragrance but attract bees and birds with sweet honey. The passionate red color symbolizes love, which are used as a material for many songs, poems and novels. Even though it is an oriental tree, it was introduced to the western world and gained popularity. The opera ,La Traviata, by G.Verdi was also created with camellia flowers as its theme.

Everlasting Beauty


Everlasting Beauty

Everlasting Beauty


Nature always contributes fruits along with beauty. The oil from the fruits of camellia trees is used for beauty and medicine. The trees are also used for furniture and farm implements. The trees are such blessings that every part of the trees is used. We feel the love of nature from trees and flowers. Nature always ‘gives’ us without the mind of having given. It is like love of mother. We, therefore, become modest and get the mind-set of learning. Even though they look weak, they endure cold winters and bloom red flowers. We should learn how beautiful fruits are after overcoming ordeals, like camellia flowers. We should engrave it in our mind.

Photograph. xiapp