Hello, everyone. Hope you’re having a great day. Welcome to Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

I’m your host, Sherry. And today’s words of wisdom by Master Woo Myung is called “It Is Neither The Fault Of A Nation Nor That Of Others But A Fault Of One’s Own”.


It Is Neither the Fault of a Nation Nor that of Others but a Fault of One’s Own

When things go the wrong way,
people blame others instead of blaming themselves.
Problems exist because one’s self exists.
Even when it comes to one’s enemies,
one will find, after introspection,
that all things are one’s own fault.
That something is one’s fault means
one has created the cause.
In his consideration of all matters,
man thinks that something is right
only when it fits the fixed conceptions and habits
he has in his mind.
Every problem that exists in the universe
is due to his own wrongdoing.
His conceptions and habits are not right,
which is why he is a sinner –
a sinner who is at fault.

Man does not know what he has done wrong.
When you ask Meditation students who have
passed Levels Five and Six
who the sinner is,
who is to blame,
and who has commited the most wrongs,
they all say that it is themselves.
Ordinary people think everything they do is right
and that what others do is wrong.
Thus these ordinary people live
with their frustrations bottled up inside them
which is their hell and their pain.

When one acknowledges that everything is his fault and repents,
only Truth will remain in him;
he will no longer have any enemies.
Even the phrase, ‘Thank you,’ is something that can only be said
when one is sinless and only has Truth in his mind.
A mind that is grateful to Truth is the Mind of God –
the Mind for which
there is nothing bigger, wider, lower, or higher.

In this world,
there are those who are negative and those who are positive.
Some are negative because they have narrow minds.
Some are positive because they have large minds.
It is only when one is positive that
one is able to accept everything
and fulfill one’s will.
Of the people who practice Meditation,
I have seen many people
whose selves do not exist and who are the most humble
reach Truth.
A person who repents –
who acknowledges his wrongdoings
and seeks forgiveness from
the whole of creation, God, humankind, his ancestors,
his parents, his siblings, his friends, and his children –
has nothing lingering in his mind but Truth.
Thus he knows that his self is the only sinner in the world,
and that the one to blame is his self.

Thank you again for listening. Please join us again next time for more words of wisdom by Master Woo Myung on Meditation Cast. Please visit our sponsors at meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com.

Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.