Winter Sea


It is the sea after summer.

Winter Sea - Wisdom's Webzine

An achromatic-colored sea lacking the refreshing colors of summer makes up another story. It is the sea that summer vacationers have abandoned. The beach that once was crowded fills up with colorful pictures drawn by sounds of waves and more waves.

Winter Sea - Wisdom's Webzine

Cold winds make waves with white colors.

Only humans label the beach that always exists as it is as a summer beach or a winter beach.

Winter Sea - Wisdom's Webzine

The nature never stays the same at any moment. Its shapes and forms always change. Seas and clouds give themselves over to winds and air. They are enjoying games of transformation.

Winter Sea - Wisdom's Webzine

However, the original nature does not change. Therefore, nature comforts us. Time passes without boredom upon seeing waves that endlessly crash into different shapes and trace waves in the sand.

Winter Sea - Wisdom's Webzine

Winter Sea - Wisdom's Webzine

Stones are worn down into round pieces by waves and they slowly transform to sand granules along with time. The nature draws ever-changing pictures with countless sand granules that were once stones.

The nature is comforting as it just exists. They are peaceful because their original nature is the same despite their different forms and shapes.

Winter Sea - Wisdom's Webzine

Through nature, we can acknowledge how tiny our existence is. The vast sea embraces everything but I feel so insignificant because my mind cannot become like the sea.

Winter Sea - Wisdom's Webzine

When the existence of ‘myself’ and a boundary between in and out are no more, everything and being in the world – vast seas and sky, too – become one. Being with form and without form become one. The empty winter sea seems empty to us but at the same time, it shows us the fulfilled world. When quietly listening carefully, you can hear the sound of the sea. It continuously sings for us, ‘let’s live with the mind of oneness.’

Photography: Xiapp