The Golden World

The new world is getting bright with the sun that newly rises.

The world wakes up along with the light; every life in the world is created along with the light.

The Golden World

The golden light that brilliantly shines illuminates the whole world. The world wakes up.

One fact that we wouldn’t already know: the world itself is heaven that has been already made with gold.

The Golden World

The light of the truth is coloring the world with golden light. The golden city and the golden kingdom that we have heard of from legends from long ago, in fact, also exist here at the moment. This land that is full of the light of the truth – here – is actually the golden kingdom.

The Golden World

The Golden World

However, we keep searching for gold, unable to see or have this radiant gold. If I am wearing the dark colored glasses in my mind, the world is always dark. Even though gold is in front of my eyes, I cannot see it.

The Golden World

This world filled with the golden light is always peaceful and beautiful. Every life that has received this light and energy is always happy.

The reason why we yearn for the golden kingdom in legends is because that life is everlasting. Never-changing gold – 100% pure gold – never changes and stays the same just as it is. That true life is the privilege for one who has opened one’s eyes, i.e. a wise one.

The golden light always illuminates us. The moment we are ready, the kingdom of the gold will widely open the door for us.

The Golden World

Photography: Xiapp