Meditation Founder and Amazon Bestselling Author, Woo Myung, Sweeps Through South America, Africa, Europe on World Wide Tour for Human Completion

Founder of Meditation, Woo Myung, Sweeps Through 3 Continents and 17 countries in three months on World Seminar Tour

Sunnyvale, CA (PRWEB) October 31, 2013

Founder of Meditation and Amazon Bestselling Author, Woo Myung, began his World Tour for Human Completion starting in August 2013 and concluding in October 2013, spanning three continents, 17 countries, and 20 cities.

Woo Myung founded Meditation in 1996 after reaching enlightenment. Since that time, his grueling schedule keeps him traveling non-stop around the world in order to educate people about the human mind and true mind, and human completion.Throughout his seminars, Woo Myung continues to emphasize the importance of Meditation and why every person should do it.

Europe on World Wide Tour for Human Completion

Meditation is a simple 7-step method of subtraction that Woo Myung developed that anyone can follow. Through subtraction, anyone can recover their original mind, which is the mind of the infinite universe.

In the lecture, Woo Myung explained that because the method is universal, it transcends the barriers that people encounter in everyday life such as language, culture, age, religion, gender, education, or socio-economic background.

Although the crowds that attended the seminars were diverse, the message that Woo Myung gave was one of unity. That through subtraction of the human mind, everyone can find their original mind, which is the universe mind, and reach human completion. To reach human completion means to never die.

According to Woo Myung, “Human completion can be accomplished by subtracting the human mind. One can enlighten where it is he comes from, why he lives, and where he goes.”

Woo Myung elaborated further that the human body is like a camera, and that through his five senses of sight, sound, taste, smell, sound, and touch, this “camera” continues to take pictures which are then stored in the human mind.

This becomes one’s mind world, a world that does not truly exist in the world and is therefore, false. It is inside this world that human lives, which overlaps the true world that really exists as it is.

Not only is the human mind merely pictures in one’s own mind, but they are magnified as they overlap the true world, which leads the person who has that world to mistakenly think that he is living in the world.

For this reason, because human lives in his false man made world in his own mind, this is why one’s own self is also false.

Dr. Nayoung Kim, a successful dentist and student of Meditation was a perfect example of why this method is a sensation and provided a personal story at the end of Woo Myung’s lecture regarding the importance of this study and how it changed her life.

Particularly poignant was her message about how by subtracting, divorce, which seemed to be the only alternative her relationship with her husband improved immensely and the deep rift that had developed between herself and her mother-in-law eventually disappeared, and what was once hatred had changed to mutual respect and care for one another.

In turn, this harmony directly affected the quality of care she was able to provide for her patients. But the most important realization for Dr. Kim was that through Meditation, she had accomplished human completion.

The lecture circuit included Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, South Africa, Madagascar, Uganda, Kenya, England, France, Italy, Hungary, Germany, and Sweden.


About Woo Myung

As a result of years searching for a way to achieve human completion, Woo Myung founded Meditation with its 7-level method to discard the human mind. He has since dedicated his whole life to helping people of the world to discard all of their human minds so that they can live completely with the mind of the Universe.