
Humans mistakenly think that they are living in this world but they are not living in this world.

Then, where are humans living? In order to know where we are living, we should first know that the human body is like a camera. Just as a picture remains on the camera when taking pictures with it, human body sees the world with five senses – eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and body – and also takes pictures within the mind. Then, the pictures are stored in the human brain. Every single second of the entire life that we live, from birth to the present, is all taken as pictures. The self who has lived is also taken as a picture and the self is not living in the world but within the mind of the self. If you think about having breakfast this morning, you can recall what you had and where you had from your mind. You can even recall and think of yourself having a meal. Recall yourself who is reading this at the moment before going to bed tonight. This article and your reading it would have been taken as a picture in your mind.

Humans continuously take pictures and continue to take pictures tomorrow, the next day, next week, next month and so on. We aren’t able to live in the world at all but live trapped there in the pictures that are our own mind. Because humans are living in the mind, not in the world, that is pain and stress. However, let’s think with commonsense. Let’s suppose that someone is walking along a street. Something bad has happened to him and his mind is extremely in pain. However, can we see his painful mind with our eyes? Of course not. The mind world that he has does not exist in the reality, in the real world. That is the mind that only he has and that mind is not real but false. So it is purewaste and toxic. Because his mind is in pain, he should throw away the false mind of himself and even his self who is in pain while living in the false mind world. He should come out to this world of the truth and live in this world. In the world of reality, in this world of the truth, there is no pain and stress that is the human mind itself, but only great freedom, joy and peace.

Is the mind of you who is reading this now present in this real world? Whether you lived well or not, suffered, felt depressed or failed, they do not exist in the real world, do they? If they exist, can you show your mind world to someone? No, you cannot show it to anyone. This is the false mind that only you have. What exists in the world in the reality is real; however, what does not exist in reality is an illusion. It is false. We live in the world with this body that is a camera. Everything that you see, hear and experience has been filmed as a video clip in your mind. You also live in that mind world. However, such things do not exist in the real world. The world, which you have taken pictures of, and the self, who is living inside that world, is false and illusionary. We are false so we have to quickly throw away the self that is false and our own mind world, the world of pain and the world of attachments. Thus, we have to have the mind of the true world and be born again in this true world.

The mind of this true world is anonmaterial, real entity and thus, there are no life and death. You exist forever. Our human body is material so it cannot live much longer than 100 years. The mind of the true world is immaterial, but is a soul. Therefore, we live forever. While we have this life with our physical body, we throw away the false world and our self that can’t be everlasting and don’t exist in the world. We should become one with the mind of the true world and be born in this world. Even though this body does disappear, be born again as the soul that can live forever without worries in the true world.

This is human completion. The reason why human is incomplete is because humanis not living in the world but in his mind world, which are pictures that he has taken of the world. Therefore, we should become complete. We were born in this world in order to become complete. Now, the righteous teacher who can teach us the method to become complete has come to this world. We should follow the will of this righteous teacher, diligently throw away the false world and the self that we have, and thus live, out in the true world. It is grateful that we have teacher Woo Myung who has given this method and makes us live in this true world. I hope that people in the world live together forever in this world through this righteous method. What is better than living forever in this world?

Let’s come out to the world quickly and live here.

From teacher Woo Myung’s Stop Living In This Land Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness Live There Forever,

The Mind

Man is born into the world as the child, the offspring, of incomplete humans and as such, is not a ‘clean slate’ but has human mind from birth. Such inherited human mind is called ‘original sin’ in Christianity. What is referred to as ‘actual sin’ is the world that one has made himself by taking pictures of the world and storing them in his mind. It is also the preconceptions and habits, which are emotions from the picture world that have become one’s mind.

Everyone believes that only he is right and this is because of the many things he has in his mind. However these things are not real but are pictures; they are all false. Everyone living in this world is living in a picture world, and consequently does not know that he is living in a fake world. He mistakenly thinks he is alive and that he is living in the world because his individual mind world overlaps the real world. However, because he lives in his own mind, he is dead. Only he who is born in the true world knows that all people living in the human world are false.

The true world is a world that is beyond one’s mind world, where his self and mind world have been completely eliminated. It is an eternally living world, without death. The origin of Truth remains once everything that exists in the world is gone. In other words, if one discards all forms in the universe and one’s self is also dead and gone, the place that remains is the place of the Creator, the place of the original mind and body. This existence is not material so people think it does not exist but it undoubtedly exists and it is a living existence that does not disappear. Only this existence is Truth. Unless man is born as this existence, the word eternal is not applicable to man, nor is it possible to live forever.

Everything in this world is a representation of this existence. The law of the world is that all creation come from and return to this existence that is Truth. The only way for man and the world to be saved is to be born again in the land of this existence. Because this existence is Truth, there is no other way to live eternally.

If one is living in his mind world, it is a fake world that is hell. If he is reborn in the world of God, Truth, the true world, and lives there, it is heaven, eternal life and resurrection. He, who while he is living is born and lives in this land without death, has been resurrected and born into the true heaven. Only he who has gone to heaven while he is alive, lives in heaven.

Heaven is not some place that exists here or there but it is within the mind of one whose mind becomes Truth; one who is reborn as the material of Truth. For one who is resurrected within himself, and lives following the will of Truth, it is his resurrected self that lives and for one who lives following his own human will, his false self lives and God within him will die. It is the same with glory; if one gives all the glory to Truth, then one’s self that has become Truth lives, and if one keeps all the glory for his individual self, it is the illusionary ghost that lives.

The greatness of Meditation comes from the fact that it has the method to discard one’s false mind. Through this method one can become the true mind, be reborn as the substance of Truth and live eternally. During the time of incompletion Truth was only talked about and no one was able to become Truth. No matter how precious Truth is, if one cannot become Truth, if he cannot become complete, it is utterly useless. Each religion tells us to cleanse our mind – that the poor in spirit are blessed for they will inherit the kingdom of heaven. The place where one can actually achieve this is Meditation.

It is no longer the age of incompletion; it is the age of completion, when man can become complete. However, even though a method to become complete and go to heaven exists, one who ignores Truth and does not follow the method due to his faulty way of thinking will end up dying forever. Only when one becomes Truth and lives within Truth, does he have freedom and deliverance. He is what we have only heard about until now; a saint.