Blue sky. The moment we see the sky, our mind also becomes empty.

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

Because the sky is totally empty, it also embraces many things. The sun that brightly shines; Butterflies flying beautifully; Everything is in the sky.

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

That’s why humans always yearn for the sky. Our dream of flying in the sky has been actualized so that can fly from one end of the Earth to the other end within one day.

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

In contrast to our ever busy mind, the sky silently exists as it is, all the time. Seen from our viewpoint, the sky changes from time to time; however, the sky is just as it is.

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

An electric cable has drawn a line in the sky. The sky embraces all kinds of pictures like a sketch book.

The greatest picture in the world is the sky. The sky constantly draws up clouds and wind, in every moment. Everything has been created from the emptiness. Would there be any other existence that could express as many colors as the sky? ‘Sky blue color’ is justone color of the sky that humans express regularly.

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

Even though clouds cover up the entire sky, we know that the sky always exists. We know that the clear sky appears when clouds are cleared away.

Likewise, when clearing away the dark clouds in our minds, the original mind will be revealed, like the sky. The sky also exists in our mind.

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

When it becomes night, that world falls asleep and seems dead only to start a new life tomorrow. Even in the moment everything is asleep, the sky is always alive. The sky will continue to live – as it has lived forever ago and will live forever after, too.

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

The sky is living even at this moment. The sky creates life continuously. The sky embraces and looks after everything in the world. The sky exists everywhere and is always present everywhere.

Wisdom's Webzine

Copyright © 2013 Wisdom’s Webzine

Because the sky exists, we exist. We, who came from the sky, live becoming one with the sky. The life that we live like this is the life of nature’s flow and it would be the life of real happiness.

Photograpy: xiapp