To many people, California would be considered ‘paradise.’I also vaguely imagined California as such and said to myself that I would visit there one day. But now, I have been living here for more than a year. Someone said you have to experience a year – four seasons – in some place to get to really know that place. Even though seasons in California aren’t that distinctive, I have experienced the four seasons and my conclusion is that it must be a place that is the closest to heaven that we can possibly imagine. Every morning when you wake up, the warm sunshine certainly greets you. Your body does not need to be stressed from the weather change. No matter where you go, very tall palm trees and bright sunshine greet you.

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It is the optimal weather for laundry to dry outside anytime. Not only is there convenience of life, but simply, this fresh dryness makes your body light. There is one fact that I did not know when I lived in a country with four distinctive seasons that cover hotness, coldness, dryness and humidity: the weather influences our life very much. In particular, you are unlikely to make wry faces when there are no cold winters or cloudy days. Here in California, you cannot blame your bad mood on the weather.

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This is a park I go for exercise every day. All-season green trees are illuminating vibrantly in the sunshine. They store water from the winter raining season when rain is sometimes sprinkled, and live on it for a year. Everything lives adapting to the environment.

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If it is a perfect weather for humans then how perfect would it be for animals? Birds and all kinds of animals that I bump into ‘just’ exist within a leisurely life without wariness. How I feel about them would actually be just in my mind.

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It is one of the joyous experiences in California to see all kinds of exotic flowers.

There are pretty of flowers as vivid-colored as the intense sunshine and they seem to have a basic vitality. Here, everything grows up rapidly and fruits endlessly come out into the world.

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All year round, you can see flowers in nature. That is another big blessing. Love that god gives us… we see and feel fruition every moment and remind ourselves of gratitude.

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The cool breeze of the Pacific Ocean washes away everything in California. Because it is close to the sea, California’s life provides room for breathing. Here is a paradise for surfers who want to enjoy the waves.

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Like this, the Pacific Ocean provides a big bosom to California and the beautiful sunshine even offers a present that is the colorful sunset.

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California’s sunset – the world is colored with golden lights or sometimes rosy lights like blood. These colorful scenes seem to symbolize the liberty of California.

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If you dream about a trip to California, you do not have to worry about which season you have to pick for the best trip. It is like heaven all year round and is open to everyone. If you want to experience heaven on earth, take off to California. However, you have to keep this in your mind all the time: if your mind is heaven, everywhere would be heaven – no matter where you go. With the mindset that you cannot realize where you are is heaven at the moment; you would not be able to feel happiness in heaven on earth, California. Isn’t it too obvious?