I am tiny but eye-catching. My body is red but I like to be in green backgrounds. Are you curious who I am? I am nothing but also everything. My tiny body is actually the universe as big as infinity. Countless little stars are also twinkling in me. The shape of my body is the best gift to me as it is the most suitable shape in the environmental condition that I am surrounded by. By condition, I exist as a tiny, red shape but I still exist as it is even when the shape vanishes. That is because I live as long as the Universe.

I know exactly what I have to do in the world because I am the world. The most joyful daily life is to do my role in the place where I am supposed to be. Eating aphids, spreading my wings and flying – everything – are parts of the work for the world. Right at this moment, I concentrate on my work and live day by day: this life of a day is an everlasting time to me. My name is the universe.

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Photography by xiapp