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Skinny Mobil _Mixed materials_90x23x30cm


There are objects that seem to float here, in the space called emptiness. Shapes and shapes coexist and create a story. When wind blows, other stories are pouring out. These are mobiles by Artist Jiminy. Her job is writing and drawing. In her artwork, there are always ‘stories.’She collects stories of the world and creates an art piece from them. She collects things, such as shells she picked while strolling down a beach, paper pieces from Collage works and tree branches. She then puts them together and writes a story in the emptiness.


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When We Came to a Beach Very First Time_Mixed materials_100x15x8cm


The moment her mobile art is hung, the emptiness is no longer an empty space. It seems to show us that everything has come out from the emptiness. Objects hung on clear threads are merely a ‘shape’ but the shape itself creates a meaning, just like a twinkle of light in the emptiness becomes a star when it comes into my mind.


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Trapped Fish_Mixed materials_40x20x18cm



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The space created by ‘lines’ of wires, threads, and tree branches, opens our eyes to a new world.Even the empty space between the lines looks like living energy. It is completely unbalanced and branches tied together even look painful in some way. However, it helps us to find the beauty within every creation that the emptiness has created.


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A face created by one-dimensional lines and a three-dimensional space created by two-dimensional faces. Jiminy has cleverly created a new form of mobiles by going back and forth between all of the dimensions.

Jiminy’s mobiles show flexibility as it could become an art piece or a perfect interior accessory to give room vitality. It resembles flexibility of the emptiness as well as the power of the emptiness that can transform freely. It is the energy that creates everything.

From her mobile exhibition, she has shown an installation work that a small room is filled with bay leaves. How hundreds of dried bay leaves are floating in the emptiness gave me a feeling that I saw countless stars in the infinite universe. The title of her mobile exhibition was ‘We Have to Illuminate Hundreds of SmallLights.’As the title suggests, our existence is one of those countless bay leaves and a part is actually the whole and from the viewpoint of the whole, the emptiness is living.
Small lights that have been illuminated one by one illuminate my mind and illuminate the whole world.

The universe illuminated from the emptiness is the whole world. Let’s look at the countless worlds existing in the emptiness. The world is alive.

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We have to illuminate hundreds of small lights.

The reason why we wake up when chilly winds blow or it snows is

Because that pierces through us and comes inside and it gathers around us like bugs.

The sky is gradually covered up more thickly and the world is being slowly crumbled down.

The coldness is right at our face and everything is too far away.

In order to overcome darkness that comes over your flesh, open your eyes towards cold air.

We have to illuminate hundreds of small lights.
