Generation Of Natures Flow 1

Earth was created from the sky.

It is the rich earth where people, animals and plants can live.

Generation Of Natures Flow 2

People settle on the earth.

The earth gives people a lot, to cultivate fields and build houses.

Generation Of Natures Flow 3

Falling leaves are not an end but a beginning. Before wearing new clothes, they take off old clothes.

Everything comes up from the soil and returns to the soil to become nutrients.

Generation Of Natures Flow 4

The wind helps seeds to move; so that they can fly far, far away and spread throughout the world.

Seeds even visit our front gardens.

Generation Of Natures Flow 5

Rain sprinkles water for everything living on the ground.

It soaks vast fields and helps everything and every being on the land to live.

Generation Of Natures Flow 6

Light provides warm air and wisdom to see the world.

With that energy, all life grows up, vitally towards the sunlight.

Generation Of Natures Flow 7

Once a year passes like this, the earth gives abundant crops and fruits.

They are what the sky and earth grow.

In the season of harvest, people feel joyful and grateful.

Everyone can live life in the bosom of the sky.

If we follow nature’s flow, we can also become fruits.

One who has true wisdom knows the nature’s flow and the right time

So he prepares himself to become the most delicious fruit in a season of harvest to be used in the world.

Coming out to the world as a fruit and being used for the world: this is true fortune.

The Age of the Natural Order of the Universe


The life of the natural order of the Universe, or universal order, is a life of great nature and a life of Truth. Universal order is when there is no forcedness or stubbornness. It is a life that is lived according to the way things happen, which is possible when these minds do not exist. It is often thought that living life in this way is being complacent but it is actually a life of diligent action without blockages or strife. When one can live his life in this way, it means that his mind has become the mind of nature.

Nature, namely this world, provides us with oxygen, water, and all that we need, yet it has no mind of having given us these things. True love and affection is when, like nature, one lives for the people of the world without the mind that he does so. It is when one lives with the mind of nature. True love and affection is to give without expectation, just as the world, as nature, gives.

How free would people be, if they could live like this! There would be no conflicts or blockages in their minds; people would be able to trust each other and love others more than they love themselves. When people’s minds become the mind of God and when all people live a life of universal order, it will be a world worth living in!

Now is the time of human completion, the age of universal order, and it is the time for the world to become one. It is a time when everyone can become the mind of God, of one mind, the righteous mind. It is the time to live a life of universal order. This is what is meant by the age of universal order.


– Teacher Woo Myung’s book, Stop Living In This Land Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness Live There Forever