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Rollercoasters are the most popular rides in theme parks.


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Many people ride rollercoasters to enjoy the thrill and the electrifying feeling of the ride.

We usually compare our mind to rollercoasters. There is an actual term called “emotional rollercoaster.”


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Rollercoasters have ups and downs.

The ride goes up for a while and goes down… and it goes up again and down again.

Sometimes, it spins round and round. After a ride, you feel like you are mindless.


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Like a rollercoaster, sometimes our mind goes up and feels endlessly good and sometimes goes down,

but may soon go up and down again.

Although you want to control yourself,

it is the human mind that cannot be controlled as you wish. But there is a way.


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Let’s supposed you get off the rollercoaster ride.

Then, you no longer experience the ups and downs.


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Like this, you can escape from your mind and reach the all-time peaceful

and joyful state of mind without mind fluctuations.

The answer is easy: Don’t ride the rollercoaster.



It Is the Way of the World That We Come From the Origin and Return Back to the Origin


There is no one in the world who knows the ways of the world or the will of the world. Religions often talk about heaven and hell, but the heaven and hell they speak of are false and delusional. When we become the great universe itself – the master of the universe – it is possible to know all the ways of the world.

Man and all creations in the world are the children of the origin, the source. It is the way of the world that we come from the origin and return to the origin. Don’t all things in the world disappear eventually? And even if they disappear, the origin always just exists. If one is born from the origin, he is God and he is in the land of God. God is the existence that has been liberated from all things.

A person who speaks of the ghost world, or hears sounds inside his mind, has a delusion born inside his mind. Only false things in a false world speak of knowing things out of the ordinary. God exists but does not dwell within his existence – his is the place free from all human conceptions and habits. It is the way of the world that man disappears after he dies. Only Truth, which has been resurrected in the world, becomes an eternal and never-dying immortal and can live forever in the land of God.

Hell is when one’s self that is a delusion lives inside his own delusions – these delusions do not exist in the world so they do not exist. What exists in the world exists, and what does not exist in the world, does not exist. When it is said that Truth is everything just as one sees it, just as everything exists, it means that when man’s mind becomes God – the mind of the world – what he sees that exists in the world exists, whereas if it does not exist in the world, it does not actually exist. In other words, the things that do not exist in the world are all human delusions.


From teacher Woo Myung’s book, Stop Living In This Land Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness Live There Forever