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Jennifer Aniston, who has received a lot of praise for her comedic performance in Horrible Bosses, returns as a stripper. The comedy action expert, Jason Sudeikis, stars with her in this film. David (Jason Sudeikis), a pot dealer, is forced into the difficult task of crossing the border to Mexico to smuggle drugs back to America. It is an extremely difficult and dangerous task because the border is watched so carefully by the border patrol.

One day, he sees a family in an RV park illegally. But the policeman does not give them a ticket and instead generously says good bye to them. This gives him an idea. He suggests to his neighbor Kenny (Will Poulter) and a stripper Rose (Jennifer Aniston) to act as his son and wife for the trip in order to cross the border together and carry drugs back in. He offers them money for their time. With Kenny’s suggestion, Casey (Emma Roberts) is given the job as their daughter. They ride the RV and cross the border to Mexico. They successfully grab the drugs and on the way back, a variety of dangerous situations arise. Although they are going together because of the money they stand to make, they are lonely and do not have their own family. So while experiencing difficulties together, they start to show familial affections. At first, they feel awkward being together and do not like each other. They regard each other as strangers. However, while going through various circumstances together, they become to understand, consider and care for each other. They truly help each other and treat each other as a real family. From this, audiences are reminded of the concept of family in today’s modern society.

In some ways, a family is a shelter which you can depend on in a fiercely competitive and complicated modern society. If it were a stranger, he may not forgive you or give you a second chance. But your family does not deny you and can ultimately forgive you no matter what you do, because you are their family. However, an unfortunate situation arises these days as divorce rate increase and couples constantly fight; they harm each other and become enemies. Also when parents age, children place them in a nursing home, leaving them alone for a long time. Parents frequently show signs of violence and abuse their children, both verbally and physically, because their own life is difficult. A family is the only shelter for most people so if the family doesn’t provide a strong support system, then that person doesn’t have many choices. I recommend you watch this movie. It is an R rated film so teenagers cannot watch it but you will get to see how precious family really is.

A family is brilliant as it is. They are family regardless if they like each other or not. They are still family even after they swear at each other. They can never be strangers. Of course, there is a great hope. Like in this movie, if everyone becomes one mind, they can all become a family although they do not share the same blood. Even now, there are good families where parents have adopted their children and raised them well. More specifically, a non-blood-related man and woman couple get married and become a husband and wife. They become a family and their families also become relatives, i.e. family.  Whether you share blood or not is not important to be considered a family.

A definition of family is that the members share the same mind and become one mind so in any circumstance, they can stand by each other. They give words of advice for each other, and although you do something wrong, they can embrace and forgive you. Wouldn’t it be a real family? Although people are blood-related, i.e. parents and children or siblings, if they do not have one mind, they do not see each other and actually become strangers throughout their life. In extreme cases, they make murder their siblings or parents. These stories can be found in the news.

In this generation, everyone is lonely, in some sense. During this generation, why don’t you stop living a lonely life and love your family?