A song comes to mind when I think of ‘happy music.’ I would like to introduce ‘Omens of Love’ by a Japanese fusion jazz group, T-Square (The Square). T-Square was formed in 1976 and is an experienced group coming up on its 36th anniversary. As you watch the video clip, you can find that most of the members are old. Their black hair now grey shows us the passing of time. This video clip is a live record of 2008 Concert Tour, <Wonderful Days>

The reason why I especially like this live version is because all the members look the happiest. The song itself is very bright and hopeful but the members forget about their age and truly enjoy their performance just like little kids. I also become happy by watching them. Look at them; how cute they are with team t-shirts. Proving the critics of the world right who say that the live version is much better than the studio recorded original version, they always present the best performance on stage. It was the happiest days for them, their Wonderful Days.

While watching this video clip, I also become joyful as I feel like the performers’ joyous hearts are transferred to me. Finally, the performers and audience are connected as with one mind and ‘Hop!’ altogether. This is the highlight of this performance. The performers are able to make such a magical song that in one instant gives everyone hope even though they may face tough circumstances in their daily life. Their facial expressions show us that they are ardently joyful throughout their performance. No matter how many times you watch, you know that it is their true heart. They do their best in their situation with the same goal of wanting to make others happy. That’s why T-Square has come up with this most beautiful result.

With this last song, members stand up from their positions and express their gratitude to each other and the audience who has been with them. They walk out to the back stage one by one. At this time, a close-up of their faces show joy while at the same time being completed touched by the audience, which even touches the hearts of viewers. The members who sincerely performed to make the audience happy look happier than the audience. It was definitely, without a doubt, a magnificent performance. The audiences endlessly applause and clap for them.

Happiness of my own that I feel when obtaining something, can vanish instantly. However, when giving up what I have for someone else’s happiness, such happiness becomes real. When watching T-Square’s performance clips, I realized that the moments that I tried my best to make someone else happy have been the happiest moment for me, too. Also I feel grateful that I have so many people around me whom I can share my happiness with. If someone gives you happiness, why don’t you pass that on to other people so that the happiness does not go away? To make everyone join this path and go together would be the path to the everlasting happiness of the truth.