IMG_0277B. Alexander/Designer, Bayside CA


After years of seeking different spiritual methods, a friend introduced me to maum meditation. At first, I wondered… what is this all about…

But, staying with an open mind, willing to accept the unknown, as well as seeing the positive change in my friend made me willing to explore and accept the method.

Before I came to maum meditation, I had many of the same views and thoughts about life. The major difference between maum meditation and the others is the method. The method makes the difference and it also makes sense when you apply it to your everyday life.

At this point, maum meditation has become a great and positive turning point in my life. When you can see and feel the change in yourself, people around you can see the difference.

Something is working. How I view and react to situations, and the patience I now have has definitely improved my well being. I am very thankful for the method and recommend it to all my friends and business associates.