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Dark Knight Rises, the last piece of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, has been criticized that it was weaker than the previous movies in the trilogy, yet highly praised for its well-structured story line and Christopher Nolan’s dramatic direction. The heart-warming ending of the series has also been praised to be the best in that Batman, no, Bruce Wayne, sacrificed himself for Gotham City, only to rise again.

Bruce Wayne does not become the Batman for himself, to become a hero that we know saves people from danger using his super human abilities and receiving good treatment. Even though the Batman tries to do well for Gotham City, he is chased by the police as a social evil. He intentionally accuses himself in the previous movie because he loves Gotham City so much. In the Dark Knight Rises, Bruce Wayne becomes older and is not as physically strong as before. Moreover, he has to fight against Bane even when his legs are not ready. It is unfortunate that the old Batman should fight against the young, strong Bane.

Of course, the Batman is defeated by Bane and becomes imprisoned underground. Bruce Wayne’s ribs are broken but he gets treatment with the help of his imprisoned mates and one of them asks him, “Are you afraid of dying?” Wayne replies, “I am not afraid of dying. But I am afraid that Gotham City might collapse while I am here.”It shows that he has devoted his life to Gotham City and not to himself. He has chosen to withdraw himself for a long time because, in that way, peace in Gotham City can be maintained. When Bane puts Gotham City in danger, Wayne appears in Gotham City again as the Batman to save the city. Maybe, Bruce Wayne’s fate was of a patron saint to protect Gotham City. The whole life of Bruce Wayne exists only for Gotham City. To Bruce Wayne, the condition of his happiness is not to live a good life for him, but to protect the citizens of Gotham City. He might only dream that the citizens of Gotham City live safely and peacefully, and abide by the law even after his death.

At the end of the movie, Wayne’s dream comes true. When Gotham City faces the danger of being destroyed by nuclear bombs, he loads hit jet with the nuclear bombs and sacrifices himself by flying to the ocean far away. He dies but saves Gotham City and many citizens.

However, Wayne is found alive looking truly happy in the last scene. I believe that Bruce Wayne accomplishes his wish. If Gotham City faces a danger and collapses and Brue Wayne survives, it would be a sad ending. The film ends with a happy ending because Bruce Wayne has honorably sacrificed himself and protected the city. Until the end, he maintains himself as a symbol and a patron saint for the city. He eventually abandons himself to actualize the justice and peace of Gotham City that he has been wishing for.

Normally, people care only for themselves and believe that it is happiness to save themselves only for themselves. They wish they could live comfortably, earn a lot of money, have good food, live in a good house, and be highly recognized. However, Bruce Wayne taught us the secret of real happiness; one becomes a truly happy person when he himself dies and cares only for the truth.

The way to become the truth is to throw away ‘you’ completely to reveal only the universe mind that is true. The self must die but because of that self, who only cares for himself, the truth cannot live and the self becomes unfortunate forever. This film seems to teach us about the very truth that to die is actually the way to live.

There is a method to become the Truth which begins the time when everyone can achieve human completion. At this time, do not care only for yourself any more. Do not live only for yourself. Let’s meet the method to become the truth and throw away the self and the world of the self that are false. Just as Bruce Wayne has saved Gotham City, let’s become a wise person to live truly happily forever by saving the true self that has been dead within the self.

To conclude, let me introduce a writing of teacher Woo Myung, whom I sincerely admire and follow, a real teacher of this generation and a number one Amazon bestselling author.

From <Stop Living In This Land, Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness, Live There Forever>

The Dead Are the Living and the Living Are the Dead

People believe that they are alive and those who are religious also believe that they will go to heaven after they die. However, man is not living in God’s world but in the mind world he has made. This is because it is human nature to live in a world that has copied God’s world, a counterfeit world that resembles God.

He has betrayed God by making his own world. The world that man has made does not exist in God’s world. His world is the enemy of God; it is a world that has turned away from him. This is why man is a sinner. From the perspective of the origin, the true God, it is a non-existent world that only exists in one’s own mind –an illusion. It is a world where one thinks according to the false minds contained in his own mind world.

Man is an entity that does not exist; he is incomplete. Even though many people have spent their precious lives and youth seeking Truth through religion and other means, they have been unable to find Truth because what is incomplete can only find incompletion.

Many things have existed in the world, but all that had existed have all disappeared, as will the earth one day. They came from the origin and have gone back to the origin. This is the way of the world. Man however, does not know this; he lives in his own non-existent dream world and without being able to go back to the origin, he dies in vain and disappears.

One’s mind world is a non-existent picture world. Therefore, it does not exist in the world. Everyone living in the picture world has disappeared. The life in the picture world which disobeys God and Truth is hell. It is hell because it is the same as living inside a picture or a video. Just like a dream, this world does not exist after you wake up.

It is a world made of pictures that man has taken during his life, through his eyes, nose, mouth, ears and body. From the perspective of the universe, the origin, human life is a dream that lasts a split second and it does not exist in the universe. This is why people in the olden days compared life to a dream: a bubble that is worthless, short, and futile.

If one discards and kills his self, and is ashamed and remorseful to heaven for his false world and his self that lives in it, heaven will become his and he will be born in that land and live there. The dead are the living, because he who tries to die lives. But those who try to live are dead, because they are not true but false.