Wisdom's Webzine

Magee / Annandale, VA

I recall the moment I picked up a Meditation brochure and read it. I liked what I read. I was, however, left wondering if this was yet another brochure about meditation that promised the freedom that I was looking for but would not deliver it. My skepticism disappeared after my first meditation session. I came into the session feeling the ups and downs; stress was intense and burdensome. However, the first session gave me a profound peace. I felt renewed and refreshed, and surprisingly, such feeling did not wane. In fact, it just steadily increased after each session. That seemed too good to be true.

I found what I’d been looking for, and so I made a full commitment to Meditation. I noticed that I was not reacting in my usual negative way to those things that would have upset me. I could even see a humor in situations that would have been annoying and frustrating just a few weeks prior. After Meditation, I can just “chill” and drop my fret and worry.

Now, my life is full of joy and peace that I never thought possible. My life has been dominated with challenging health situations and work related circumstances that are less than ideal, but the peace and joy that I experience is unaffected by these situations and circumstances. This shows how powerful and effective Meditation method is. Also, I am grateful to the superb manner of the helpers and their support.