Hi Everyone. My name is Sherry, your Meditation caster for the internet radio Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

Here is today’s poem by Master Woo Myung. It’s called “The Reason No One In The World Sees Truth”.


The Reason No One In The World Sees Truth

When the day is clear,

you can see the sky clearly.

When your mind is clear and clean

you can see the sky clearly.

Everything is one, and everything is Truth

but there is no one in the world who sees Truth

for man is not born in the world,

and he is living in his own world made of pictures.

It is a world of his mind;

a world of illusions;

a world of feces;

a world of ghosts;

it is not the real world; it is a picture.

Everyone is dead, without exception,

with everything trapped inside their minds.

Being born in the true world means

destroying the world of pictures – one’s mind world –

so as to be truly born in the world.


We hope you enjoyed today’s Poem by Master Woo Myung. Thank you to all of our listeners for tuning in today. Please stay tuned for our next Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information about Master Woo Myung and his works.

Again, my name is Sherry, and until next time, I hope everyone has a grateful day, every day!