Hi everyone. Once again, it’s Sherry, maum caster of the internet radio Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

Here is today’s writings by Master Woo Myung.

Teacher Woo Myung

The Importance of Man

Whenever I meet people, I treat each and every person with serious consideration. I urgently implore them again and again to become Truth. Everyone seems to listen at the time, but many people suddenly change their minds and give up. Over the years that I have taught Truth, I learned that the human mind cannot be trusted. There is a Korean expression that describes how fickle it is: “While you can know what is in the depths of ten feet of water, the shallows of the human mind are unfathomable.” Above all else, people need to realize that we only have one life, and if we do not accomplish Truth during our one lifetime in this age of becoming Truth, we may lose the chance to live eternally. Out of pity and concern, I urge people to cleanse their minds without giving up but people who live within their sins and karma ultimately end up following them. Isn’t this the shape and form of their karma?

Man is unable to live like the flowing water, to live along with the passing years. He is unable to live mindlessly; that is, he cannot live without human minds. He is unable to become Truth because the greed with which he tries to achieve Truth himself, and his own will and purpose are far from Truth. One who tries to achieve Truth with his self is not able to do so, while one who knows that his self is an entity that must be discarded – he who knows that he is the worst person in the world – is able to accomplish everything and follow Truth. One whose false self thinks he is superior finds it difficult to achieve Truth because his superior self tries to possess Truth. A person who repents his sins knows Truth is more important than his self and it is precisely such a person who is able to meditate. Only he who has discarded his false self can be born as God, his real self. In this age of living and dying, let us all live by cleansing our sins and karma.

Thank you to all of our listener for tuning in Today. And we hope you enjoyed this insightful Message from Master Woo Myung. Please stay tuned for our next Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisdomswebzine.com Please be sure to check out both websites for further information about Master Woo Myung and his works.

Again, my name is Sherry. And until next time, I hope every one has a wonderful day.