The more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This is internet radio Meditation Cast and this is your Meditation Caster Lindsey.


Maum meditation is an excellent way of gaining control of your mind

Maum meditation is an excellent way of gaining control of your mind. I think the practice of meditation is an essential part of my everyday life. Meditation produces success. According to God, if you want to be a success and prosper in all your dealings, the Bible says you must cast your cares, all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all, upon God.

Through MM the practice method enables one to overcome the negative thoughts and the negative forces that come against the mind. I think MM is important because the practice allows the removal of good and bad thoughts that burden the mind. The MM method allows individuals to have a healthy mind and body. MM does not inflict any religious beliefs. The practice allows each individual to freely explore their own personal beliefs with the same common goal to restore the original mind and to become one with the universe.

The Meditation practice has allowed me to have a more positive mind, which has produced a more positive life. My thoughts are always full of faith and hope. The removal of the clutter and forgiving others for the hurt and pain has been beneficial for me. Meditating has allowed me to become closer to God.

Practicing MM has made me more conscious of how I feel physically. One night, during the second week of practice, I didn’t feel my best. My throat was irritated and I felt horrible. That one evening of meditation allowed me to release the negative energy flowing throughout my body. After meditating that evening my throat and other negative ailments flowing throughout my body were released.

Meditation has allowed me to create a clean mind and spirit. As a Christian I have grown more spiritually. I feel like I am glowing, I feel totally relaxed, I understand others better, and I am living each day to the fullest. I don’t spend a lot of time like I use to worrying about tomorrow or things I have no control over. I have learned through the practice to cast all my cares to the “universe” which I have identified as God.