Hi, everyone. My name is Sherry, your Meditation caster for the internet radio Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

Today’s poem by Master Woo Myung is called “The Everlasting World”

Teacher Woo Myung

The Everlasting World

There are many things in the blue sky,

but the sky just exists silently.

Regardless of whether those things exist,

it is always the sky.

The true sky in the mind of the original foundation

is not blue; it has no color, smell or taste,

no feeling, nothing it sees or hears –

it is the place where everything has ceased;

a place beyond human conceptions and habits.

Man lives inside his mind of delusions

but when he changes his human mind

to the mind of the sky before the sky that is eternally alive,

he is able to truly live.

As an eternal immortal, he will live forever

in his mind that has become the world.

Do is changing man’s mind –

the mind of copied pictures –

to the mind of the sky that is Truth,

the sky before the sky, and Jung and Shin.

Man with his mind of false pictures

is ever trying to possess more,

trying to fill his mind of hunger with anything he can,

but it is always suffering and burden that follows

when one adds to his mind.

Until now, in the age of incompletion,

man could not become complete,

because he only studied how to have more.

If he subtracts what is in his mind,

man returns to the sky before the sky – the mind of Truth.

When he becomes the mind of the sky,

he does not have human minds;

he no longer possesses the world of pictures,

and instead he has the true mind of the world

On the day he is reborn in the true world

with the mind of that world, this place becomes heaven;

the place of the eternal sky.

He who is born in heaven while he is living

becomes a complete man.

When one is eternally without death,

it is completion.

Thank you to all of our listeners for tuning in today. And we hope you enjoyed this insightful message of Master Woo Myung. Please stay tuned for our next Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information about Master Woo Myung and his works.

Again, my name is Sherry, and until next time, have a great day.