Hello Everyone. Thank you for tuning in on this lovely day. My name is Sherry, Meditation caster of the internet radio Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

I’d like to share with you today Master Woo Myung’s writings.


Woo Myung

The Essence of the Universe

The Universe is infinite and it has no beginning or end. The Universe always existed and its origin is the emptiness – the sky before the sky. All of creation came forth from this existence. It is not material; in fact in this existence there is absolutely nothing yet it is alive and divine because it consists of the one God and the Emptiness. It is the semblance of omnipotent and omniscient Truth. Everything in this Universe is this existence itself that has come into form. It is an omnipotent entity and if one becomes the consciousness of this existence then he is omniscient, as he will know all the laws of the universe. It is because this existence exists that we have the capabilities of the origin, commonly called “instinct”.

This existence is a non-material substance and it is because this existence is alive that the world, the heavens and the earth, exist. The reason people have come to this world is to become complete in the land of this existence that is Truth.

It is the way of the world that all of creations come from this existence and go back to this existence. In other words, coming from and returning to the origin is the way of the world and being reborn in the land of this existence and living, is eternal life and heaven. The core of all religions is about being born and living in this place.

This Universe is alive and only when this existence has come as a human-being can there be salvation, resurrection and eternal life.


Thank you to all our listeners for tuning in today. We hope you enjoyed Master Woo Myung’s message. Please stay tuned for our next Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisomdswebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information about Master Woo Myung and his works.

Again, my name is Sherry, and until next time, I hope everyone has a grateful day, everyday!