Wisdom's Webzine

Did you think the only place you could enjoy Thai Cuisine is at a restaurant? Have you hesitated making it because of unfamiliar ingredients? Then, please check out this recipe that will break your habit! Of course, there are numerous different types of Thai Curry; the recipe we brought out today is for Red Curry. This dish has such savory flavor yet it isn’t too spicy. Are you still a little concerned about a budget? Please set that worry aside because all we need are some vegetables, *Red Curry Paste and *coconut milk. That’s it. It is so simple to make as well, I am sure you can make this authentic cuisine in your kitchen too!

Wisdom's Webzine

* You can easily find these in Asian grocery markets.

Wisdom's Webzine

<Ingredients –Serving approx. 10 people> ($3 is calculated for each serving)

Use any veggies for stir-fry (This recipe: 2 Red bell peppers, one fistful of peeled garlic cloves, 10 mushrooms, approx. 20 snow peas, 1 ½ onion). Cut them into medium-small sizes, adding meat per your preference (This recipe: 1 chunk of chicken thigh) or tofu (optional), 10 tbs. of Red Curry Paste , 8 cups of coconut milk, and 4 tbs. of sugar.

Wisdom's Webzine

  1. Oil the skillet and wait until it’s hot. On high heat, add red curry paste and peeled garlic and stir fry. Immediately pour 1 cup of coconut milk and continue stirring.
  2. Lower to medium-high heat and add onions and chicken.
  3. When the meat is thoroughly cooked, pour 3 ½ cups of coconut milk and 1 cup of water and continue simmering.
  4. When it starts to boil, pour another 3 ½ cups of coconut milk, 1 cup of water, remaining veggies, and 4 tbs. of sugar.


5. Simmer altogether until it reaches a boil; it is done!!


Wisdom's Webzine

If you have basil powder, sprinkle on top. Serve with cooked rice.