How are my lovely Meditation Cast listeners doing today? Thank you so much for visiting Meditation Cast as always. Today is Rosalyn’s Story. She is a retired middle school teacher, and this story is how Meditation changed her life.


“I used to rarely smile. Now it is hard not to smile.”

I spent at least 30 years as a seeker of Truth and was disappointed by so many self-help strategies, all of which had promised to be life changing. Since my life had remained basically the same after trying these different methods, when I found a Meditation brochure I feared that I might be let down again, but I found the idea of subtracting memories I have stored as pictures to be both intriguing and promising.

The process was clear and simple to follow. After only 21 days of meditation I had an enlightenment that was more profound than anything I had imagined during the 30 years I spent as a seeker. My outlook on life changed completely. It has been a year now and after each session I feel like layers of dirty film have been removed. The world looks clear and bright and there is calmness.

I no longer feel defined by the roles that I identified with: wife, mother, daughter, etc. As an African-American female, I felt like a victim and obligated to defend and represent the entire race. Now, I no longer define others by their race; I have compassion for all people. Before, I scrutinized and judged everything I observed others doing. This habitual judging sapped me of energy.

Now, I don’t need as much sleep and I feel peaceful inside. I can see clearly that my negative judgments were reflected back to me through others. When I have negative thoughts now, I can subtract them and realize that the Universe is pointing out pictures that I still need to discard.

I used to rarely smile. Now it is hard not to smile. Thanks to Meditation, I am visibly happier, my body feels lighter, and I have much more energy. Instead of creating a make believe world, I am learning to live in the real world, the world that is perfect as it is.

Thank you for listening, my lovely listeners. All the members of Meditation Cast will pour our heart to spread the news of Meditation until everyone can be reborn as true soul and spirit and live forever by subtracting the false mind. It was Lindsey from Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. Thank you and take care until we meet again.