Hi, everyone! Once again it’s Sherry, your Meditation Caster for the internet radio Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

Here is a Today’s writing by Master Woo Myung. It’s called “A Plan for the Human Race”

Korean politicians have been fighting incessantly for a long time. Their actions arouse worry and unrest, when instead they should be uniting to come up with a plan for the betterment of the country’s citizens. Each politician boasts of his own merits with slick words and insists that only his own opinion is correct – it is truly funny to watch. In this tiny country, every province has its own political party. This regionalism is divisive and not conducive to national harmony.

No plans exists to cooperate and work together even in this state of affairs. Even if there was a plan it would not be executed. Of the systems of government man has made, communism has crumbled and capitalism has reached its limit. It would be best for people to repent and realize their wrong-doings; know that everything is their own fault; subtract the false bubble that is their selves and live as true people.

Man would find life in the world easier if he knew and accepted the ways of the world. Instead, he tries to change the world to suit him but this is impossible. Consequently he finds life in the world difficult, for his mind is opposite to the ways of the world.

Teacher Woo Myung

Only when man recovers his true self, the origin, will he live with the mind that has become one with the world, the mind of the origin. At such a time, he will have wisdom and only then will there be a proper plan for human life. While one might think in his mind that his thoughts and will are correct, there is nothing that is righteous in man; thus there can be no proper plan.

Once one sees from the viewpoint of the world, coming up with such a plan is very easy. When everyone in the human race discards his individual wrongful notions, habits and consciousness, and changes to the mind of the world, everyone will become of one mind and every thought and action will be right. A proper plan will then emerge because everyone’s mind will be one.

We waste a vast amount of time being educated but many people still live in hardship because what should be the basics and foundation of all education is missing; namely, how to find the right mind and live a righteous life. Thus people do not have wisdom within the knowledge they have acquired. If one has a righteous mind, his actions and life will accordingly be righteous also. As he will have a rightful way of thinking, he will no longer insist that his own party’s opinions and plans are correct when they are not, and he will be able to acknowledge what is right even when it is not his own.

Man does not know what is right or what is proper because of the self-centered mind he has. When he throws this away and becomes the mind of the world, he will have a righteous mind.

Thank you to all of our listeners for tuning in today. I hope you enjoyed this insightful message from Master Woo Myung. Please stay tuned for more  on our next Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisdomzwebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information about Master Woo Myung and his works.

Again, my name is sherry and until next time, I hope everyone has a grateful day, every day!