Hello! My name is Sherry, your Meditation Caster for the internet radio Meditation Cast, where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind.

Here is a very special poem by Master Woo myung. It’s called “The World Beyond Time”

Woo Myung | Meditation Cast

The World Beyond Time

Cloud, please stay –

Wind, please blow –

Do not dwell within time, following its passage,

but live beyond it, outside of time.

The flowing river has gone with time,

the flowing years have also gone with time,

the countless things in existence and non-existence,

including the many stories of life,

have all gone with the passage of time.

Everything that lives bound to time is consumed by it –

the devil that consumes everything.

So do not be consumed by time,

nor blame it.

Only the world that is beyond time

is the complete world,

where meaningless life stories have all disappeared.

We hope you enjoyed today’s poem by Master Woo Myung. Thank you to all of our listeners for tuning in today, and please stay tuned for the next Meditation Cast where the more you listen, the more you become the universe mind. This Meditation Cast is sponsored by meditationusa.org and wisdomzwebzine.com. Please be sure to check out both websites for further information about Master Woo Myung.

Again, my name is sherry and until next time, have a great day.