We feel comfortable and calm while around nature. Animals are especially close to human beings and provide many lessons. The biggest lesson is an answer to how we should live. That is, to live without mind.

Wisdom's Webzine

In contrast to human beings whose mind is always noisy, animals are simple. They eat when they eat, they sleep when they sleep and they joyfully run around when they run around. If we don’t have any mind like them, we can solely focus on the present. That is a reason why we have to throw away the noisy mind and return to nature.

Wisdom's Webzine

Wisdom's Webzine

We feel comfort with their eyes staring at us because there is none of the prejudice, standards, discernments and judgments within their eyes.

They live with the one mind of nature. So when they are in nature, their existence becomes more natural and beautiful. How they ‘naturally’ integrate without awkwardness is very different from human beings who always bother nature.

Wisdom's Webzine

Wisdom's Webzine

Wisdom's Webzine

Wisdom's Webzine

Birds flying in the air do not worry about food they have to find tomorrow. They follow nature’s flow and fully live in the now, satisfied with their given conditions. There is no worry and, as tomorrow comes about, everything works out according to nature’s flow.

Wisdom's Webzine

Wisdom's Webzine

Flying birds become one with the sky and are free. We can fly in the sky but we cannot become one with the sky. It is solely because of ‘mind of self.’

If we even throw away such mind as ‘I want to fly’ and ‘I want to be free,’ the real freedom is waiting for us. Even now, countless creations in the world are showing us that every being can live just as it is.

Now, let’s throw away our narrow mind of the self and become the world itself, like them, our mentors.

Photography by xiapp