Ben / Property Manager / Foster City, CA

Throughout my entire life, I always felt like there was something missing, but I could never quite put my finger on it. There was a void inside that I was somehow trying to fill. So I kept adding more and more to my plate and stressed myself out in the process. But Meditation was just the opposite. Instead of trying to fill something inside as I had been doing all my life, Meditation provided a simple method of subtraction.

Ben MeditationWhile meditating, I was able to look over my life in great detail.  As I threw away these things from my past, I began to change in my mind and in how I viewed the world. The world truly is a beautiful place that always provided me with everything I had ever needed. But because I was so self-centered, I was blind to everything around me.

Meditation’s method of subtraction provides the way to get rid of my “self” and my self-centered mind which controls my every speech, thought, and action. Meditation allows me to live freely, without judgment and with gratitude because I am free from my “self.”