Mike / Car Dealer / San Diego, CA


Like many people, throughout my entire life, I have felt incomplete, always feeling that I would be satisfied if I just achieved a specific goal, or acquired a new object, money or knowledge. Without fail, every time I reached the specific goal, that feeling of lack never went away. I was constantly worried and always looking outward for satisfaction. It was a very painful existence. It was hell.

Mike MeditationI began to read as many spiritual books as I could find and pretty much all of them spoke of throwing away the ego or the self that we have created through our past life experience. None of them really explained how to do this though. I attempted to meditate on my own, but I really had no idea how to throw away the ego and release my attachments. Then I found a pamphlet from Meditation. It clearly described a method to do just that.

The method does not add any new knowledge or any doctrine at all. It is simply a method to throw away your ego or false mind world. As this is done, the universal consciousness, God, or whatever you want to call it begins to fill you up. You realize, the more you throw away, the more you become one with everything. You become guided by Love.

I have been a student for about 8 weeks now and have already had many excellent experiences. It is clear to me that as I throw away these attachments through the Meditation method, I am being overtaken by an ever increasing feeling of peace, joy, and completeness. My mind is calm, I worry less, I appreciate life much more, and I am starting to see life for how beautiful it can be. I am sure this method truly works and I am so grateful to be a part of it. Thank you Meditation.