1. Cure For Depression

The Benefits Of Meditation Depression is probably the most common illness that people have today. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 350 million people are suffering from depression but surprisingly, less than 10% receive the treatments for depression. [Source: WHO] They are too common to be considered as a mental disorder. Due to stress from the life (from work to socializing with people), the modern lifestyle that is to prefer being private rather than being associated in a group and maturation in terms of materials, people tend to get trapped into their own “self”, rather than to open up to public.

Moreover, this phenomenon is becoming more obvious and serious that it is often regarded as a social problem. It can be pointed out that humans continue to accumulate “the false mind”, a.k.a. the false pictures, into their mind, and this deteriorates their symptoms.

For instance, Rebecca (*anonymous with a random name) who had a bad family background (say, her parents were aggressive and always had fights) took pictures of what she saw, i.e. her fighting parents, and stored them in her mind. She then grew her hatred about them and feelings of fear and depression. She would be highly likely to have a lot of fear, anger and depression. If she had been living in such environment for her childhood and adolescence, her mind would have been full of such aggressive pictures that she could not endure by now, i.e. eventually ending up having depression.

But fortunately (being the lucky 10%), she had chance to receive medical treatments. She might be relieved from depression to some extent. However, it cannot be cured permanently as she kept holding those pictures in her mind. She’d be dependent on the pills later on as she couldn’t endure the symptoms otherwise.

Meditation is very effective in dealing with the mental disorders like depression. Meditation is an easy meditation technique even for a complete beginner. You can easily throw away the false mind with this meditation method. So, if Rebecca would have come to Meditation and learned what the human mind and the true mind are and how to meditate with the subtraction method, she could throw away those hurtful memories of her youth, one by one. Because they are of the false nature, they would definitely disappear.

Then, she would finally be free from the pictures, i.e. becoming free from depression, which were caused from the pictures accumulated in her mind. Meditation can be the ultimate solution for curing depression on a permanent basis, because it guides you to eliminate the pictures completely.

2. Stress Relief

The Benefits Of Meditation The most noticeable benefit you come along with Meditation is stress reduction. Actually, it is a solution to complete elimination of stress. The pictures we accumulate in our minds always dictate us to think, behave and talk in a certain way. Although we do not wish to be in control of the false mind, as it is already programmed in our mind, we cannot help but obey them.

You might have experienced the situations in which you acted in a different way you wish to act and they remain as regrets and bitternes in your mind and say to yourself that you would never repeat the same but soon, you find yourself act in a certain way again. This is how our mind is programmed with the pictures.

Also, we are always boiling with the thoughts around our head; thinking back and forth about the past and future, rarely staying in the moment. When something important is coming up in near future, we keep worrying about it and getting stressed out. The same for the past: when we do something embarrassing, we cannot just let it go from our mind but keep thinking about it feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed even after few months it happened. Having the countless thoughts all the time, never giving your mind rest is a real stress. In severe cases, you might suffer from some physical or psychological symptoms of stress like loss of appetite, obesity, insomnia and depression.

How can Meditation help you dealing with such problems? Well, it’s very simple as it sounds! Maum Mediation teaches you the meditation method that is subtracting the pictures. The pictures are just the false mind accumulated in our mind, which makes us think that they are real. However, because they are not of the true nature, they disappear when you throw them away according to the subtraction method.

All the stress, such as worrying about the future, regrets about the past and being unable to control yourself, is basically caused by the pictures of your mind. Therefore, by subtracting them, even a little bit of pictures, you can feel a huge relief and feel light like feather. Elimination of the pictures also keeps your mind calm and quiet, the great benefit of our Meditation. Therefore, you can stay at peaceful state of mind. Upon the completion of Meditation, all of human mind will be eliminated, which means all of the pictures, the cause of stress, will also be eliminated completely. So you will never ever suffer from stress in your life! It can be confidently said that it is the best meditation for stress relief.

3. Overcoming Panic Attacks

The Benefits Of Meditation It is hard to describe panic attacks in words. You feel extreme fear with sudden vertigo, and you feel you just might curl up and die as your head becomes burned up by all the fever coming up from your body. Those symptoms can happen at a moment’s notice. Anything, such as hearing the shouts from a soccer stadium, or watching a movie at the theater can set it off. And when I drive a car and stop suddenly or go through a tunnel, I can’t help my body and myself thinking that “I might die inside this car. I want to jump out and run.” Even though in reality I don’t turn blue nor die, the worst possible scenario plays out fully in my head. I began feeling these symptoms 10 years ago. At that time I went to the hospital because I felt too dizzy and my head ached a lot. Instead of taking it seriously, I thought it was just because I was weak from all the heavy drinking I was doing at the time. In those days panic attack syndrome was not a commonly known disease, so there were wrong diagnoses given to me, such as saying it was because of the flu or from the drinking. But as the symptoms continued, I took a complete medical checkup and it turned out to be panic attacks. So I began taking pills, and received treatment for the panic attacks. But instead of getting better, all it did was avoid and calm down the spasm moment. I took the medicine continuously for four to five months, but I kept being drowsy and dazed and could only manage half of my company’s work, and my social life became very difficult. Eventually, on my family’s recommendation, I began Meditation. I started throwing away my mind by looking back at my life and myself. I realized that as the head of the household I thought I had to earn a lot of money, and I was always under the pressure of the responsibility to support my family. So I began to drink a lot to overcome that pressure. That had only made the panic attacks worse. All the emotions and thoughts, which came from specific situations, were stress itself; so I continuously threw away everything I had piled up in my mind during my life. I threw away all the fear, horror, hard memories, anxiety, and nervousness about the panic attacks. At the moment I realized that those minds didn’t originally exist, I could easily control my panic attacks better with Meditation than by any other treatment. As much as I threw away the mind the symptoms became better, so I stopped taking the medicine, and seldom drank any alcohol which I had liked to do so much. When I was managing the accounting office, I always used to treat others with hostility and interfered with them a lot. But those minds disappeared, and my facial expression changed from a dirty and fussy look to one that was much kinder and softer. Even though at times it seemed like the panic attacks might happen again, I could prevent them by throwing away the stress and related minds. I am so grateful to Meditation, and it seems like a dream that I could be released from my mind, which became clean and able to overcome those horrible panic attacks. I think there might be a lot of panic attacks among middle-aged, head of household men. I pray, as a person who experienced the pain and know that it is a disease of the mind, which every person who suffers from panic attacks will be able to know as soon as possible the reason for the panic attacks and be able to throw the mind away and break away from the pain.

Young Soo Ook (53) Accounting Office Manager

4. Infinite Universe Mind

The Benefits Of Meditation Self-Viewpoint Expands to the Infinite Universe Mind.

Emptying the mind is throwing away all of the fixed concepts, preconceptions and inflexible behaviors.

People live with these self-centered notions from birth until death.

When the mind is emptied, creativity and wisdom for living becomes the greatest.

You are able to see the world as it is from the viewpoint of the universe.

There will no longer be the individual viewpoint but instead you will be the mind of the infinite universe

which is your original mind, your trueself.

Truly Throw Away!

One cannot throw away while holding onto the false, which is oneself.

One who knows that his self is the existence that must be thrown away can become Truth, and so this study is easy.

One who knows that he himself is false is able to throw away the false that is his self and has the motivation to throw away.

If you add more to your mind, your mind will not change. If you do subtraction, you will become True.

Maum Meditation changes human mind to universe mind and thus being reborn as the body and mind of the universe.

If you are reborn as the Universe you will eternally never die.