Let’s Go To The Living World

The world is alive, but man is not.
The world simply just exists,
But man has countless troubles and dreams unreal dreams –
He does not know all of it is meaningless and false,
For he is not Truth,
And he dies after a lifetime of agony and anguish.
He is urgently told that one lives forever,
But he does not realize the true meaning of these words.
Isn’t it natural and logical that one dies if he has not become Truth?
Man thinks that someone will save him even if he has not become Truth
But this idea is wrong;
So come to your senses, strive to become Truth
For becoming Truth is of the utmost importance.
The world and man is what is real and false,
The world is real and man is false.
It is nonsense to think that one can live eternally
when his mind has not become the eternal world
And he has not been born in that land.
Do not try to find or achieve something
For Truth is revealed only when one discards his false self
And the only thing man must do is to be born
in the land of Truth by the will of Truth’s master.
If this is not done there is no purpose or reason for living.
Instead of living a human life of seventy or eighty years
Live an eternal life, live to the life of the world –
Only such a person is wise.
He who tries to possess more, commits more sins
While he who discards and eliminates even his self
Can be born into the world of Truth.
One whose mind has become Truth
Has heaven in his mind; the whole world is alive
And he himself is born in his mind.
If only the mind of God within you
And there is no human mind at all,
You no longer take pictures
And the master of the Soul and Spirit exists within you.
Your true soul must be born
In the land of that original foundation
If you are to become the forever-living immortal.
He who talks of going to heaven after death
When he has not gone to heaven while he is living
Is not able to go to heaven; he dies forever.
-Woo Myung

a part of “The Everlasting World“
extracted from <Stop Living In This Land Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness Live There Forever>
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