Meditation is founded by teacher Woo Myung in 1996 in South Korea. Since teacher Woo Myung achieved the enlightenment, he has been devoting his life solely on spreading the truth to the people of the world. He teaches what the truth is in the simplest manner. Not only that, he also teaches the method to become true. His teachings are followed and practiced in Meditation. With his method of subtraction, thousands of people have already achieved the human completion and live a life of ultimate happiness and great freedom.

Meditation is a unique meditation that changes human mind to universe mind. It is throwing away the false mind that is human mind. Human mind is an accumulation of pictures that human takes from birth: human body as a five-sense camera takes pictures of what he sees, hears, smells, tastes and feels, and stores them inside his mind. Not only taking pictures, he also lives inside his own mind world of pictures. These pictures dictate his behaviors, ways of thinking and living. Even though he wishes to come out from such a trap, human was unable to break free from it.

However, Meditation technique, the method of subtraction, enables him to throw it away, and thus he comes out from his human mind and lives free of it. Meditation is a simple meditation. The simple meditation technique is easy to follow and very effective. This means anyone can easily practice Meditation and reap the meditation benefits. As the practitioners throw away their false mind, which is stress and pain, they lay down heavy burden and truly feel happy without any stress and worries. It is the fundamental and ultimate solution for all the problems one faces.

Meditation benefits are surely uncountable. They widely range from physical to psychological benefits. Benefits of the meditation have been verified and recognized by the society, governments, academic and medical institutes. Detailed explanations are available on our Meditation Benefits page. Meditation is a fully guided meditation. Meditation classes are provided with full guidance throughout the whole program. Self meditation is also available at the centers. Our meditation guides are always attended at the center, offering meditation guidance and assistance to the practitioners. This ensures that the practitioners take the right track to the human completion in the easiest, safest and fastest way. As of March 2013, over 400,000 people practice Meditation in 336 meditation centers around the world.

Purpose of Meditation? coming soon…^^

How To Do Meditation

maum meditation levels


Level 1: Throwing away remembered thoughts

Level 2: Throwing away images of myself, images of human relationships, and myself

Level 3: Throwing away my body

Level 4: Throwing away my body and the universe

Level 5: Throwing away my body and the universe

Level 6: Self disappears by subtraction and becomes the Universe

Level 7: Throwing away the illusionary world of pictures and myself living inside that world


Meditation teaches how to cleanse falseness – the pictures of past memories – which we have accumulated through our self-centered experiences. It teaches us that we are the false minded illusions and that our bodies and minds must be cleansed. Then it teaches us to cleanse the universe in our delusional minds so that we can know and become Truth. From start to finish, Meditation is a place that focuses only on cleansing oneself. When one cleanses his self and everything in the universe, only the pure universe, Truth remains.

-Woo Myung


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